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Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code (Monographs in Computer Science)
Reverse Engineering of Object Oriented Code (Monographs in Computer Science)
Reverse engineering aims at supporting program comprehension, by exploiting
the source code as the major source of information about the organization
and behavior of a program, and by extracting a set of potentially useful views
provided to programmers in the form of diagrams. Alternative perspectives
can be adopted when the
RF Mems & Their Applications
RF Mems & Their Applications
The growing requirement for wireless devices with increased functionality and reduced power consumption is driving the development of new RF micro-electro-mechanical systems (RF MEMS).

RF MEMS and their Applications sets out to address an increasing need for information by providing a vital overview of this emerging field.

Modern Receiver Front-Ends: Systems, Circuits, and Integration
Modern Receiver Front-Ends: Systems, Circuits, and Integration
A practical, hands-on guidebook to advanced receiver design
Radio-frequency integrated circuit (RF IC) design is one of the most important fields in modern technology, as advances in chip architecture are essential to delivering the full promise of broadband wireless communications. Modern Receiver Front-Ends outlines today's most
Transaction-Level Modeling with Systemc: Tlm Concepts and Applications for Embedded Systems
Transaction-Level Modeling with Systemc: Tlm Concepts and Applications for Embedded Systems
Throughout the evolution of microelectronics industry, SoC designers
have always been struggling to improve their productivity in order to fully
exploit the growing number of transistors on a chip achievable by the silicon
process capacity.

The answer to this challenge has always been increasing the level of...
InDesign CS2 at Your Fingertips
InDesign CS2 at Your Fingertips
If you're making the switch from QuarkXPress or PageMaker to Adobe InDesign or just starting out with page layout and design, InDesign CS2 at Your Fingertips is your ultimate reference. Its award-winning format gives you easy and instant access to all the tasks you'll want to perform. Author Ted LoCascio is a highly qualified...
The Sales Success Handbook : 20 Lessons to Open and Close Sales Now (Education Series)
The Sales Success Handbook : 20 Lessons to Open and Close Sales Now (Education Series)

Stop Telling, Start Selling

The classic "features and benefits" sales approach is dead. To sell today, you must add value, provide perspective, and show customers how your product will quickly and consistently solve their specific needs.

First, of course, you must listen to your customers--to...

Securing SCADA Systems
Securing SCADA Systems
How to secure systems that weren't built for security

Worldwide, critical economic and governmental infrastructures have evolved into complex networks that facilitate communication, cost reduction, and efficiency. But the very features that create such benefits make these supervisory control and data acquisition, or SCADA, systems a security...

ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.0
ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9.0
After the tremendous success of Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips
and Tricks, I planned to do another book with an entirely new set of innovative
ideas, techniques, and algorithms. The call for authors led to many proposals from
nearly 80 people who wanted to contribute to the book. Some of these proposals
Hacking RSS and Atom
Hacking RSS and Atom
Now you can satisfy your appetite for information

This book is not about the minutia of RSS and Atom programming. It's about doing cool stuff with syndication feeds—making the technology give you exactly what you want the way you want. It's about building a feed aggregator and routing feeds to your e-mail or iPod, producing and hosting...

Rapid Mobile Enterprise Development for Symbian OS: An Introduction to OPL Application Design and Programming
Rapid Mobile Enterprise Development for Symbian OS: An Introduction to OPL Application Design and Programming
A guide to programming Symbian OS smartphones using OPL (The Open Programming Language): a simple to learn, open-source scripting language, ideal for fast-track development of enterprise applications.

This book provides a hands-on development environment for both the experienced and aspiring programmer, demonstrating the ease of use of Symbian...

Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software (Artech House Computer Library.)
Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software (Artech House Computer Library.)
The widespread development and reuse of software components is regarded
by many as one of the next biggest phenomena for software. Reusing
high-quality software components in software development has the potential
for drastically improving the quality and development productivity of
component-based software. However, the
Macromedia Studio 8 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Macromedia Studio 8 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Computer/Tech)

Your one-stop guide to six great Macromedia tools for building Web sites

It's like a Web-site-in-a-book! First, there's some Web site insight to help you decide what you want your site to do. Then it's into the nitty-gritty of making it happen — building with Dreamweaver, adding animation with Flash, enabling collaboration...

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