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Grid Computing: Making The Global Infrastructure a Reality
Grid Computing: Making The Global Infrastructure a Reality
"A few years ago ‘The Grid’ emerged as one of the most important new developments in building the infrastructure for computational science in the 21st century. The tremendous enthusiasm for grid computing has led to an extremely rapid growth of our knowledge about how to make grids a reality. This is a timely book with...
Rf And Baseband Techniques for Software Defined Radio
Rf And Baseband Techniques for Software Defined Radio
Software defined radio (SDR) is an emerging form of radio architecture, which
encompasses a wide range of design techniques in order to realize a truly flexible,
and potentially future-proof, transceiver system. As a field, it is very broad, encompassing:
systems design, RF, IF, and baseband analogue hardware design, digital...
Nonlinear Microwave and RF Circuits, 2nd Edition
Nonlinear Microwave and RF Circuits, 2nd Edition

Back in the days when I had a lot more energy and a lot less sense, I wrote
the first edition of this book. I had just finished writing Microwave Mixers,
and friends kept asking me, “Well, are you going to write another one?”
Sales of Mixers were brisk, and the feedback from readers was

Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer: Decentralized Management and Exchange of Knowledge and Information
Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer: Decentralized Management and Exchange of Knowledge and Information
The Semantic Web and Peer-to-Peer are two technologies that address a common
need at different levels:

• The Semantic Web addresses the requirement that one may model, manipulate
and query knowledge and information at the conceptual level rather than at the
level of some technical implementation. Moreover, it pursues
Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia (Multimedia Systems and Applications)
Signal Processing for Telecommunications and Multimedia (Multimedia Systems and Applications)
The unprecedented growth in the range of multimedia services offered
these days by modern telecommunication systems has been made possible
only because of the advancements in signal processing technologies and
algorithms. In the area of telecommunications, application of signal
processing allows for new generations of systems to
Quake 4 Mods For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Quake 4 Mods For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
If this is your first time venturing into the world of game modding, let me
post a warning now. You are entering into something that many people,
including myself, have described as addicting, exciting, and frustrating all at
the same time. I know of very few people who have started on the path of
game modification and found it
The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property
The Unofficial Guide to Managing Rental Property
Whether you own a single-family home, a duplex,
a triplex, or multiple units, if you rent it out, you’re a
landlord. And as a landlord, you need good information.
This book begins with the basics and takes you
through many different steps along the way. Aimed
primarily at landlords just getting into the business,...
The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence: A Handbook For Implementing Great Service in Your Organization
The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence: A Handbook For Implementing Great Service in Your Organization
The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence describes how Nordstrom earned its legendary reputation—and reveals the principles behind its phenomenal customer service. If you want to be the Nordstrom of your industry, this is your guidebook. It will help any company put in place Nordstrom-style systems, motivational tools, and a...
Managing Cisco Network Security
Managing Cisco Network Security
Providing good internetwork security and remaining current on new
hardware and software products is a never-ending task. Every network
security manager aims to achieve the best possible security because
the risks are real and the stakes are high. An enterprise must decide
what level of security is required, taking into account
America's Corner Store: Walgreen's Prescription for Success
America's Corner Store: Walgreen's Prescription for Success
Praise for America’s Corner Store

"Who would have thought the story of a drugstore chain could encompass so much vital and fascinating American history? With superb storytelling skills, John Bacon gives us a vivid and insightful chronicle of matters both large and small, from the birth of the milkshake to the rise of America’s...

Professional Web Parts and Custom Controls with ASP.NET 2.0 (Wrox Professional Guides)
Professional Web Parts and Custom Controls with ASP.NET 2.0 (Wrox Professional Guides)
Professional Web Parts and Custom Controls with ASP.NET 2.0

Custom controls, user controls, and Web Parts can make you more productive in many ways. You can create re-usable components for your WebForms, package a piece of your user interface and re-use it across several Web sites, and create exactly the ASP.NET controls you want. Web Parts,...

FrontPage 2003 (The Missing Manual)
FrontPage 2003 (The Missing Manual)
In today's highly connected world, almost everybody has a web site, from local sewing circles to the world's largest corporations. If you're ready for one of your own, Microsoft's FrontPage 2003 has everything you need to create Web pages. It's true. Your geek friends may howl in contempt if you use FrontPage, but that's because the program has a...
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