 The Satellite Communication Applications Handbook (Space Applications Series)Throughout the 1990s, the satellite communication industry experienced tremendous growth, surpassing the expectations of all who have contributed to its success. The gross revenues in 2000 reached $60 billion, big chunks of which were contributed by satellite manufacture, launch, satellite transponder sales and leases, ground... |  |  iPAQ for DummiesGet organized with iPAQ’s power – use Word, Excel, and more
Put your office, your music, e-mail, even the Web in your pocket!
All that power in your pocket might be a little overwhelming, if you didn’t have this friendly book to help you use it! From choosing the iPAQ model that’s right for you to surfing... |  |  Satellite CommunicationsBEST CHOICE FOR COMPLETE, CURRENT COVERAGE Classic guide to satellite communications fundamentals Highly regarded for more than a decade as both teaching text and professional reference/tutorial, Satellite Communications has been revised, updated, and expanded to include the hottest applications in a rapidly growing field. Always the most... |
 Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a DayDrive Targeted Traffic to Your Website
A Step-by-Step Guide
As bracing as a shot of espresso, Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day offers brisk advice, bite-sized tasks, and straightforward tools to help you significantly increase visibility for your website on all the major... |  |  Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference (Programmer to Programmer)Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2005 adds new features to Visual Basic (VB) that make it a more powerful programming language than ever before. This combined tutorial and reference describes VB 2005 from scratch, while also offering in-depth content for more advanced developers. Whether you're looking to learn the latest... |  |  Advanced Topics in Information Resources ManagementModern organizations are constantly in search of more effective and efficient technologies and managerial techniques to manage their ever-evolving information resources. While researchers and educators study various critical factors effecting strategies and technologies utilized by organizations, practicing managers apply... |
 Exploratory Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Data: A Systematic ApproachIt seems curious that we have not found a general definition of this term in the literature. In statistics, for example, data analysis is understood as “the process of computing various summaries and derived values from the given collection of data” (Hand 1999, p. 3). It is specially stressed that the process is... |  |  Inferred Functions of Performance and LearningThe objective of this book is to identify what the intelligent system that produces responses must do to perform as it does. The analysis starts with the performance variables that must be in place for the organism that does not learn, and then overlays the functions required for learning. At one end of the performance-learning... |  |  Quality Beyond Six SigmaWhilst passing through Miami airport en route to Mexico City, Ron came across an article on Six Sigma in USA Today, 21 July 1998. It read: ‘Today, depending on whom you listen to, Six Sigma is either a revolution slashing trillions of dollars from corporate inefficiency or it’s the most maddening management fad yet... |
 Resistance and PersuasionDo we need to convince you that persuasion is an important topic for the social sciences? Probably not. You know that humans are social beings. Our communication, psychology, social organization, political structures, market choices—in short, everything we do—is interpersonally coordinated. Persuasion is one of the... |  |  Solaris 9 for DummiesDiscover new security features and easier installation
Light up your system with a new resource manager, volume manager, and directory server
In the dark about Solaris 9? Open this book and let the sun shine in! It’ll help you chart a course for StarOffice, explore CDE and GNOME desktops, and harness Solaris power to... |  |  Programming Multiplayer GamesWith Internet technology developing rapidly and the use of broadband Internet services increasingly common, Internet computer gaming has become ever more popular, while documentation on how to develop Internet games remains inadequate. Programming Multiplayer Games provides in-depth coverage of all the major topics associated... |
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