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Artificial Neural Networks in Real-life Applications
Artificial Neural Networks in Real-life Applications
The analysis of the computational models developed up to the present day show that the
artificial neural networks (ANN) have certain limits as information processing paradigms.
We believe that these limitations may be due to the fact that the existing models neither
reflect certain behaviours of the neurons nor consider the
Intelligent Information Integration for the Semantic Web (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Intelligent Information Integration for the Semantic Web (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)

The Semantic Web offers new options for information processes. Dr. Visser is dealing with two core issues in this area: the integration of data on the semantic level and the problem of spatio-temporal representation and reasoning. He tackles existing research problems within the field of geographic information systems (GIS), the solutions of...

Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2004: 24th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 2004: 24th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California
Crypto 2004, the 24th Annual Crypto Conference, was sponsored by the International
Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR) in cooperation with the
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security and Privacy and the
Computer Science Department of the University of California at Santa Barbara.

The program committee
Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility (Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering)
Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility (Wiley Series in Microwave and Optical Engineering)
A Landmark text thoroughly updated, including a new CD

As digital devices continue to be produced at increasingly lower costs and with higher speeds, the need for effective electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design practices has become more critical than ever to avoid unnecessary costs in bringing products into compliance with governmental...

Essentials of Knowledge Management
Essentials of Knowledge Management
"Managing knowledge has become a critical competency for organizations. Despite its importance, knowledge management is often seen as a complex, diffuse, and difficult-to-understand management practice. In his new book, Essentials of Knowledge Management, Bryan Bergeron continues to display his remarkable ability to thoughtfully,...
Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development
Beginning PHP, Apache, MySQL Web Development
PHP, Apache, and MySQL are the three key open source technologies that form the basis for most active Web servers. This book takes you step by step through understanding each – using it and combining it with the other two on both Linux and Windows servers.

This book will guide you through creating your own sites using the open source AMP...

Professional .NET 2.0 Generics (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional .NET 2.0 Generics (Programmer to Programmer)
Professional .NET 2.0 Generics

Generics represent one of the most compelling additions to the .NET platform, bringing a new dimension of type-safety, expressiveness, and performance to your data types. Professional .NET 2.0 Generics provides a detailed examination of all the facets of what you can achieve through applying generics. This...

Security Controls for Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 IT Compliance: Authorization, Authentication, and Access
Security Controls for Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 IT Compliance: Authorization, Authentication, and Access
Your step-by-step guide to creating authentication processes that assure compliance

To comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404, you must design an information technology infrastructure that can protect the privacy and access integrity of your data, particularly online, while not restricting business activity. This book shows you how to do that,...

Molecular Biology of Human Cancers: An Advanced Student's Textbook
Molecular Biology of Human Cancers: An Advanced Student's Textbook
The present book grew out from a lecture course I have taught for more than 5 years,
often together with colleagues who covered topics and cancers they are more
familiar with than myself. These lectures were mainly attended by biology and
medical students well advanced in their curricula, but also by clinical trainees doing...
BlackBerry For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
BlackBerry For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Make phone calls, e-mail, track appointments, and even remember the grocery list

Wow — it's a phone, a PDA, and an Internet connection, and it's one-fourth the size of this book! You need the book, though, to explain in plain English what it can do. Find out how to use every terrific feature built into your...

CYA: Securing Exchange Server 2003 & Outlook Web Access
CYA: Securing Exchange Server 2003 & Outlook Web Access
Coverage includes: Exchange 2000 Administrative Rights, Mailbox Rights, Denial of Service and Exchange, Types of File Vulnerabilities, Vulnerability of Transmitted Data, Message Authenticity, Event Service and Event Sinks, Message Relay via SMTP, Preventing Exchange Security Problems, The W2K/IIS Platform Must Be Solid, Dedicate Servers to Specific...
Professional DotNetNuke ASP.NET Portals
Professional DotNetNuke ASP.NET Portals
Professional DotNetNuke ASP.NET Portals

DotNetNuke, the popular ASP.NET open source application, is sweeping through the ranks of ASP.NET and Web developers. Whether you've never programmed your own Web site before or you are an experienced ASP.NET developer, you'll find DotNetNuke and this book have something to offer you. You'll get started...

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