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Digital Signal Processing System-Level Design Using LabVIEW
Digital Signal Processing System-Level Design Using LabVIEW
For many years, I have been teaching DSP (Digital Signal Processing) lab courses
using various TI (Texas Instruments) DSP platforms. One question I have been getting
from students in a consistent way is, “Do we have to know C to take DSP lab
courses?” Until last year, my response was, “Yes, C is a prerequisite for
Quantum Computing and Communications: An Engineering Approach
Quantum Computing and Communications: An Engineering Approach
Quantum computers will revolutionize the way telecommunications networks function.

Quantum computing holds the promise of solving problems that would be intractable with conventional computers, by implementing principles from quantum physics in the development of computer hardware, software and communications equipment....

Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits
Schaum's Outline of Electric Circuits
Students love Schaum's Outlines because they produce results. Each year, hundreds of thousands of students improve their test scores and final grades with these indispensable study guides.

Get the edge on your classmates. Use Schaum's!

If you don't have a lot of time but want to excel in class, this book helps you:

Podcasting: Do It Yourself Guide
Podcasting: Do It Yourself Guide
It's your show, and you can do what you want

Got something to tell the world? Want unlimited listening options? Podcasting makes it happen. It's the hottest communication trend of the twenty-first century, and one of the first guys to jump on board is ready to get you started. Todd helps you choose software, subscribe to the best podcasts,...

Information Security : Principles and Practice
Information Security : Principles and Practice
Your expert guide to information security

As businesses and consumers become more dependent on complex multinational information systems, the need to understand and devise sound information security systems has never been greater. This title takes a practical approach to information security by focusing on real-world examples. While not...

LightWave 3D 8: 1001 Tips & Tricks
LightWave 3D 8: 1001 Tips & Tricks
If you’re in the bookstore reading this book, buy it. It will be one of the best investments
you can make. There are years of experience in this book, and it will become
your favorite secret weapon.
William “Proton” Vaughan

What’s the next best thing to having an experienced LightWave artist at your
Java: A Beginner's Guide, Third Edition
Java: A Beginner's Guide, Third Edition

Essential Skills--Made Easy! Updated and Expanded for J2SE 5

Learn to program in Java from master programmer and best-selling author Herb Schildt. Completely revised and updated to cover Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5 (J2SEj 5), this step-by-step guide will have you programming in practically no time. You’ll start at the...

Hardware and Computer Organization (Embedded Technology)
Hardware and Computer Organization (Embedded Technology)
Today, we often take for granted the impressive array of computing machinery that surrounds us
and helps us manage our daily lives. Because you are studying computer architecture and digital
hardware, you no doubt have a good understanding of these machines, and you’ve probably written
countless programs on your PCs and
Practical Insight into Cmmi (Artech House Computing Library)
Practical Insight into Cmmi (Artech House Computing Library)
This book provides the reader with an insight into which an activities an
organization would be engaged and what the role of each level of management
and the practitioners would be if their systems and software engineering
processes were based onCMM®IntegrationSM. It captures the essence
of each of the process areas by
Excel Pivot Tables Recipe Book: A Problem-Solution Approach
Excel Pivot Tables Recipe Book: A Problem-Solution Approach
Excel’s pivot tables are a powerful tool for analyzing data. With only a few minutes of
work, a new user can create an attractively formatted table that summarizes thousands
of rows of data. This book assumes that you know the basics of Excel and pivot tables,
and provides troubleshooting tips and techniques, as well as
Java: Practical Guide for Programmers
Java: Practical Guide for Programmers
The purpose of this book is to help you quickly learn the essentials of the Java language.
After its release in 1995, Java was initially used to execute programs from a Web page by
means of applets. However, Java is also a general-purpose, object-oriented programming
language. Java is used for developing applications as diverse as
Computer-Based Testing and the Internet: Issues and Advances
Computer-Based Testing and the Internet: Issues and Advances
We reside in various communities and live in one world. Although we may
reside in Beijing, China, on a kibbutz in Israel, or in Muleshoe, Texas, we are
aware of the impact of world events on our lives.

This has not always been true. Throughout most of history, life generally
was impacted by dominant qualities in
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