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Hacking for Dummies
Hacking for Dummies
Find out if your system is vulnerable to hack attacks!

"The coverage of security topics in this book can help you avoid a hack attack."
— Stuart McClure

"To catch a thief, think like a thief." Here’s the guide that will help you do just that! It shows you how to become a "white hat...

Ajax And Php: Building Responsive Web Applications
Ajax And Php: Building Responsive Web Applications
AJAX is a complex phenomenon that means different things to different people. Computer users appreciate that their favorite websites are now friendlier and feel more responsive. Web developers learn new skills that empower them to create sleek web applications with little effort. Indeed, everything sounds good about AJAX!

At its roots,
Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)
Today truly useful and interactive graphics are available on affordable computers. While hardware progress has been impressive, widespread gains in software expertise have come more slowly. Information about advanced techniquesbeyond those learned in introductory computer graphics textsis not as easy to come by as inexpensive hardware.
Supply Chain Imperative, The: How to Ensure Ethical Behavior in Your Global Suppliers
Supply Chain Imperative, The: How to Ensure Ethical Behavior in Your Global Suppliers

Like many companies in all industries, yours is making an admirable new commitment to higher ethical standards. You’ve worked hard to build or restore your reputation and the trust of your stakeholders. But all your best efforts may be undermined if the many links in your supply chain do not follow suit.

The Supply Chain...

Encyclopedia of Creation Myths
Encyclopedia of Creation Myths

A myth is a narrative projection of a given cultural group's sense of its sacred past and its significant relationship with the deeper powers of the surrounding world and universe. A myth is a projection of an aspect of a culture's soul. In its complex but revealing symbolism, a myth is to a culture what a dream is to an...

Managing And Customizing Opencms 6 Websites: Java/jsp Xml Content Management
Managing And Customizing Opencms 6 Websites: Java/jsp Xml Content Management
OpenCms is an open-source enterprise-grade content management system based on Java and XML technology, and is designed specifically for creating and maintaining websites. It provides a full set of tools for dealing with content creation, editorial workflow, publishing, and versioning.

The focus of this book is on using and administrating
Feedback Control of Computing Systems
Feedback Control of Computing Systems
A pioneering reference on control theory designed specifically for computer professionals

In today’s computerized economy, the profitability and availability of many businesses rely on a clear understanding of the dynamics of their computing systems, especially how they relate to changes in workloads and configuration. Frequent,...

Macromedia FreeHand MX: Training from the Source
Macromedia FreeHand MX: Training from the Source
When faced with a design problem, it shouldn't be because you don't know how to use the design software. If you're learning Macromedia FreeHand MX for the first time, you can rely on Macromedia FreeHand MX: Training from the Sourcefor a thorough ground-up education that you can tackle at your own pace. This popular series from Macromedia Press...
DB2 Udb V8 And Websphere V5 Performance Tuning And Operations Guide
DB2 Udb V8 And Websphere V5 Performance Tuning And Operations Guide

This IBM Redbook discusses the integrated environment of DB2 UDB and WebSphere Application Server (WAS), including design considerations, best practices, operation, monitoring, and performance tuning.

We provide an overview of the architecture and main components of both WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 and DB2 UDB V8. We introduce...

Eclipse Development Using the Graphical Editing Framework And the Eclipse Modeling Framework (IBM Redbooks)
Eclipse Development Using the Graphical Editing Framework And the Eclipse Modeling Framework (IBM Redbooks)

Eclipse Development using the Graphical Editing Framework and the Eclipse Modelling Framework is written for developers who use the Eclipse SDK to develop plug-in code. This IBM Redbook is intended for a technical readership and for developers who already have good knowledge and experience in Eclipse plug-in development.

In this...

More About High-volume Web Sites (IBM Redbooks)
More About High-volume Web Sites (IBM Redbooks)

In 1999, Dr Willy Chiu, noticing the emergence of many large and complex customer Web sites, and observing how they often failed to deliver the expected robustness and customer satisfaction, set up a new team within IBM called the High-Volume Web Sites (HVWS) team. This team was chartered to work with customers and IBM internal teams involved in...

Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups with Applications in Signal Processing and System Design
Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups with Applications in Signal Processing and System Design
Discover applications of Fourier analysis on finite non-Abelian groups

The majority of publications in spectral techniques consider Fourier transform on Abelian groups. However, non-Abelian groups provide notable advantages in efficient implementations of spectral methods.

Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups with Applications in...

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