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Mediating the Human Body: Technology, Communication, and Fashion
Mediating the Human Body: Technology, Communication, and Fashion
The increasing integration of the human body with technology is a topic that has
been attracting significant attention of late (for comprehensive reviews, see the
works of Fortunati, 1995, 1998, and Maldonado, 1992, 1997, 1998; see also Brooks,
2002; Hayles, 1999; Katz, 2003; Kurzweil, 2000; Moravec, 1999). Scholars, social...
Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)
GRASS GIS software was developed in response to the need for improved
analysis of landscape “trade offs” in managing government lands and the
emerging potential of computer-based land analysis tools. During the last
decades of the 20th century, government land managers in the U.S. (and
across the world) faced
Digital Multimedia Perception and Design
Digital Multimedia Perception and Design
Multimedia is an interdisciplinary, application-oriented technology that capitalizes on
the multi-sensory nature of humans and the ability of computers to store, manipulate,
and convey non-numerical information such as video, graphics, and audio in addition
to numerical and textual information. Multimedia has the intrinsic goal of
Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management: The Latest in University Research
Creating the Discipline of Knowledge Management: The Latest in University Research
"The core principles of Knowledge Management are an integral part of every corporate culture. Daily we perform aspects of knowledge management without realizing the source, benefits, or fully understanding the underlying process. With this book, Stankosky illustrates an easy to use framework to link elements from multiple sources into a...
Making Sense of Online Learning: A Guide for Beginners and the Truly Skeptical
Making Sense of Online Learning: A Guide for Beginners and the Truly Skeptical
If you need quick, targeted baseline knowledge about using technology for teaching and learning, Making Sense of Online Learning is for you. This practical, no-nonsense primer will help you understand how online learning technologies work and how they fit into your organization. You’ll gain a working knowledge of important topics...
Memory Architecture Exploration for Programmable Embedded Systems
Memory Architecture Exploration for Programmable Embedded Systems
Continuing advances in chip technology, such as the ability to place more
transistors on the same die (together with increased operating speeds) have
opened new opportunities in embedded applications, breaking new ground in
the domains of communication, multimedia, networking and entertainment.
New consumer products, together
Discrete Signals and Inverse Problems: An Introduction for Engineers and Scientists
Discrete Signals and Inverse Problems: An Introduction for Engineers and Scientists
Discrete Signals and Inverse Problems examines fundamental concepts necessary to engineers and scientists working with discrete signal processing and inverse problem solving, and places emphasis on the clear understanding of algorithms within the context of application needs.

Based on the original ‘Introduction to...

Google Search & Rescue For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Google Search & Rescue For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Be amazed at all the ways Google's at your service!

Here's how to find your way through all the information Google offers

More than a search engine, Google has become a lifestyle. This book introduces you to the rest of the Google family — valuable tools such as Google Maps, Google Video, Google Earth, Google Scholar, and...

Assessing Expressive Learning: A Practical Guide for Teacher-directed Authentic Assessment in K-12 Visual Arts Education
Assessing Expressive Learning: A Practical Guide for Teacher-directed Authentic Assessment in K-12 Visual Arts Education
Assessing Expressive Learning was inspired by the concerns of its authors
that thinking about and making art should remain one of the principal goals of Art
Education in K–12 American schools. Furthermore, K–12 art teachers should be
considered the ones most qualified to answer the question of what it is that children...
IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 for Linux on Zseries Implementation
IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 for Linux on Zseries Implementation

This IBM Redbook will help the reader plan for, install, and configure the new IBM Lotus Domino 6.5 product on a zSeries system running Linux. We discuss why you should consider running Domino for Linux on zSeries, and list the advantages of running Linux in a guest under z/VM.

We then describe the structure of running Domino for Linux...

Process Improvement for Effective Budgeting and Financial Reporting
Process Improvement for Effective Budgeting and Financial Reporting
"The budget and financial reporting processes are well known sources of frustration for most CFOs. Seeking a quick fix to the problem, the common solution is to pour more money into new and better software. This leaves the root cause, the inefficient and dysfunctional underlying processes and routines, unaddressed. As this book shows,...
Measuring Information Systems Delivery Quality
Measuring Information Systems Delivery Quality
After years of experience with building systems, the information systems (IS)
community is still challenged by systems delivery, that is, planning the implementation
project, determining system features and requirements, sourcing and
deploying the software, and managing its evolution. High-quality systems are
still elusive. Yet
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