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Web Information Systems
Web Information Systems
The chapters of this book provide an excellent overview of current research
and development activities in the area of web information systems.
They supply an in-depth description of different issues in web information
systems areas, including web-based information modeling, migration between
different media types, web
Introduction to Multimedia Communications: Applications, Middleware, Networking
Introduction to Multimedia Communications: Applications, Middleware, Networking
Learn how to develop, design, and manage multimedia communication systems

Introduction to Multimedia Communications: Applications, Middleware, Networking introduces the state-of-the-art technology and skills needed to design integrated multimedia systems, combining text, graphics, audio, and video. The authors draw from the latest developments...

Learn Vertex & Pixel Shader Programming with DirectX 9
Learn Vertex & Pixel Shader Programming with DirectX 9
This book covers all the fundamentals of programming vectors using SIMD methodology in conjunction with the Direct3D 9 application interfaces.

Text shows how to write assembly language for programming the vertex shader and pixel shader hardware using DirectX 9. Covers the fundamentals of programming vectors using SIMD methodology in
Higher-Order Perl: Transforming Programs with Programs
Higher-Order Perl: Transforming Programs with Programs
"Higher-Order Perl is the most exciting, most clearly-written, most comprehensive, and most forward-looking programming book I've read in at least ten years. It's your map to the future of programming in any language."
—Sean M. Burke, Leading Programmer, Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)
Most Perl programmers were
Telebomb: The Truth Behind The $500-Billion Telecom Bust And What The Industry Must Do To Recover
Telebomb: The Truth Behind The $500-Billion Telecom Bust And What The Industry Must Do To Recover
The notorious dot-com crash was heavily covered by the press, but a larger
revolution was going on at the same time in the telecommunications industry
and it received comparatively little attention. The telecommunications
revolution followed a similar trajectory to the dot-com boom and bust, but
it wasted more investor dollars
Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars 1492-1890
Encyclopedia of American Indian Wars 1492-1890

Clashes between European powers and the indigenous peoples of the Americas began almost immediately upon the arrival of the first Europeans on the shores of the New World. Such conflict seems inevitable in retrospect, and perhaps it should have been expected at the outset as well. The great disparity between the two cultures,...

Bulletproof Wireless Security: GSM, UMTS, 802.11, and Ad Hoc Security (Communications Engineering)
Bulletproof Wireless Security: GSM, UMTS, 802.11, and Ad Hoc Security (Communications Engineering)

Finally--a single volume guide to really effective security for both voice and data wireless networks!

More and more data and voice communications are going via wireless at some point between the sender and intended recipient. As a result, truly "bulletproof" wireless security is now more than a desirable

Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB
Expert One-on-One J2EE Development without EJB
Are your J2EE projects taking too long to develop? Are they hard to debug? Do they result in disappointing performance? You may still be using traditional approaches to J2EE that are overly complex and not truly object-oriented. Many of these problems relate to EJB: a complex technology that has not lived up to its hype.

In this hands-on guide,...

Active Directory Infrastructure: How to Cheat at Designing a Windows Server 2003
Active Directory Infrastructure: How to Cheat at Designing a Windows Server 2003
Before the design of any system implementation may commence, first one must assess the
environment into which that system is to be deployed.This argument holds true especially for
Active Directory (AD). Active Directory has the potential to affect every facet of your IT
infrastructure and every team involved with IT, even in the
Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development (Wrox Professional Guides)
Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development (Wrox Professional Guides)
The ASP.NET 2.0 Framework introduced web developers to dozens of new server controls and components, and a greatly expanded and easier structure for writing their own server controls and components. Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development covers the breadth of server control functionality as well as the rest of the...
Applications & Services in Wireless Networks (Innovative Technology Series)
Applications & Services in Wireless Networks (Innovative Technology Series)
The main challenge in providing mobile users with acceptable real-time multimedia
communication is to provide quality of service support in the context of i)
heterogeneous mobile communication networks, ii) a vast number of different
media formats and codecs, iii) a heterogeneous world of mobile terminals, and iv)
a large
Ruling Distributed Dynamic Worlds (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
Ruling Distributed Dynamic Worlds (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
A powerful new model to design and manage distributed dynamic systems

This text expands and builds upon the author's landmark work, Mobile Processing in Distributed and Open Environments, by introducing a new extended, universal WAVE-WP (or world processing) model for distributed processing and control in dynamic and open worlds. The new model...

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