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Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing
Questionnaires in Second Language Research: Construction, Administration, and Processing
One of the most common methods of data collection in second language
(L2) research is to use questionnaires of various kinds. The
popularity of questionnaires is due to the fact that they are easy to
construct, extremely versatile, and uniquely capable of gathering a
large amount of information quickly in a form that is readily
Play in Child Development and Psychotherapy: Toward Empirically Supported Practice
Play in Child Development and Psychotherapy: Toward Empirically Supported Practice
Children’s pretend play is a complex phenomenon. Pretend play involves
a myriad of processes and behaviors that change from moment to
moment. Does pretend play have important functions in child development,
or is it simply something children engage in to pass the time—albeit
while having fun? This is a central
Advanced Distributed Systems: Third International School and Symposium, ISSADS 2004, Guadalajara, Mexico
Advanced Distributed Systems: Third International School and Symposium, ISSADS 2004, Guadalajara, Mexico
This volume contains the accepted papers from the 3rd International School
and Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems held in Guadalajara, Mexico,
January 24–30, 2004. This event was organized by the teams made up of members
of CINVESTAV Guadalajara, CUCEI, the Computer Science Department of
the Centre of Research and
Pain: Psychological Perspectives
Pain: Psychological Perspectives
This volume offers a state-of-the-art, comprehensive account of the psychology
of pain that encompasses clinical perspectives but also basic social and
behavioral science as well as biopsychological contributions to the field.
The relatively recent focus on pain as a subjective experience has led to
dramatic improvements in our
Encyclopedia of Urban Legends
Encyclopedia of Urban Legends

Any folklorist who saw the 1998 Columbia Pictures film Urban Legend will probably remember the library scene for its depiction of one aspect of folklore research. In this scene the beautiful student Natalie (played by Alicia Witt) suspects that recent campus mayhem was inspired by urban legends, the same kind of stories...

Distributed Data Management in Grid Environments
Distributed Data Management in Grid Environments
Discover grid computing—how to successfully build, implement, and manage widely distributed computing architecture

With technology budgets under increasing scrutiny and system architecture becoming more and more complex, many organizations are rethinking how they manage and use technology. Keeping a strong business focus, this publication...

Opportunities in Broadcasting Careers
Opportunities in Broadcasting Careers
As the multimedia universe continues to evolve, institutions and
individuals are challenged to adapt to new methods of interactive
communication. Conventional analog radio, TV, and cable have
been integrated into new forms of digital broadcasting and narrowcasting.
In this age of computerized information systems, new...
Space-Time Coding: Theory and Practice
Space-Time Coding: Theory and Practice
The use of multiple antennas in most future wireless communication systems seems
to be inevitable. Today, the main question is how to include multiple antennas and
what are the appropriate methods for specific applications. The academic interest in
space-time coding and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems has been...
Joe Celko's SQL Programming Style (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Joe Celko's SQL Programming Style (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
Are you an SQL programmer that, like many, came to SQL after learning and writing procedural or object-oriented code? Or have switched jobs to where a different brand of SQL is being used, or maybe even been told to learn SQL yourself?

If even one answer is yes, then you need this book. A "Manual of Style" for the SQL
The AMA Handbook of Project Management
The AMA Handbook of Project Management
This handbook provides a set of principles and processes for
those managers and professionals who want to enhance their
understanding of the theory and practice of project management.
Like all good handbooks, this is a comprehensive reference
source for practical how-to-do-it information. This handbook
also can be used in
Encyclopedia of the Mexican-American War
Encyclopedia of the Mexican-American War

At first glance, it would seem that Mexico and the United States should have been good neighbors in the nineteenth century—they were both relatively young countries that had rebelled against a mother nation to establish republics. As they grew, they both had to deal with states with populations that believed that their...

The 2nd Digital Revolution
The 2nd Digital Revolution
In the 1990s I sat in the office of a CFO of what was then a Fortune 100
company. He was not happy about the annual technology bill. Back then –
and for decades before – technology was tactical. He said something about
technology being his last unmanaged expense. I gave him a list of 10 things
we should do to improve
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