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Machine Learning in Computer Vision (Computational Imaging and Vision)
Machine Learning in Computer Vision (Computational Imaging and Vision)
The goal of computer vision research is to provide computers with humanlike
perception capabilities so that they can sense the environment, understand
the sensed data, take appropriate actions, and learn from this experience in
order to enhance future performance. The field has evolved from the application
of classical pattern
Visual Basic 2005 For Dummies
Visual Basic 2005 For Dummies

Get up to speed on the latest Visual Basic release

The fun and easy way® to learn the most widely used programming language

Looking to spice up your Web and Windows® experience? Then it's time to take control of your desktop and create your own programs! This handy guide will take you from the initial steps...

Achieving Software Quality through Teamwork
Achieving Software Quality through Teamwork
The cost of failed IT projects in the United States was recently estimated at
$84 billion in just 1 year [1], so software quality matters more now than it
ever has, and it matters to you and me because we use that software. For all
of us, our reliance on software is increasing year by year whether we realize
it or not. More of
The Power of PROC FORMAT
The Power of PROC FORMAT
The FORMAT procedure in SAS is an extremely useful procedure that is often included in most
of my source code. I first started using PROC FORMAT to create formats to be used as a table
lookup for grouping data in reports. I then started to use PROC FORMAT to aid data set
creation and also to define new variables. I also learned to
Second-Generation HTS Conductors
Second-Generation HTS Conductors
The discovery of high temperature superconductors (HTS) in 1986 by two IBM
scientists led to an unprecedented explosion of research and development efforts
world-wide because of the significant potential for practical applications offered by
these materials. However, the early euphoria created by the exciting prospects was...
Invention of Hysteria: Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salpetriere
Invention of Hysteria: Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salpetriere
In this classic of French cultural studies, Georges Didi-Huberman traces the intimate and reciprocal relationship between the disciplines of psychiatry and photography in the late nineteenth century. Focusing on the immense photographic output of the Salpetriere hospital, the notorious Parisian asylum for insane and incurable women, Didi-Huberman...
Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Fedora 4 All in One
Sams Teach Yourself Red Hat Fedora 4 All in One

Linux operating systems are quickly becoming a viable alternative to the more expensive Microsoft platform with the Red Hat distribution of the Linux desktop system being at the top of the list. Perhaps you've also caught the Red Hat Linux fever and are planning to use it for your operating and desktop systems but need help...

Organizing and Editing Your Photos with Picasa: Visual QuickProject Guide
Organizing and Editing Your Photos with Picasa: Visual QuickProject Guide
If you're looking for an easy way to find photos on your PC, make a few editing fixes, and then share your images with others, look no further. Picasa, available as a free download from Google.com, makes it easy to instantly find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC. Every time you open Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures...
Mesh-based Survivable Transport Networks: Options and Strategies for Optical, MPLS, SONET and ATM Networking
Mesh-based Survivable Transport Networks: Options and Strategies for Optical, MPLS, SONET and ATM Networking

Next-generation architectures for survivable networks.

"Always on" information networks must automatically reroute around virtually any problem-but conventional, redundant ring architectures are too inefficient and inflexible. The solution: mesh-based networks that will be just as survivable-and far more...

Fundamentals of Telecommunications, 2nd Edition
Fundamentals of Telecommunications, 2nd Edition
The Second Edition of this popular text is updated with THE latest advances in telecommunications

The standard of excellence set in the critically acclaimed Fundamentals of Telecommunications continues in this Second Edition, by offering a thorough introduction to the fundamentals of telecommunication networks without bogging the reader down in...

E-learning And Virtual Science Centers
E-learning And Virtual Science Centers
The key to the success of the clinical healthcare sector in the 21st century is to achieve
an effective integration of technology with human-based clinical decision-making processes.
By doing so, healthcare institutions are free to disseminate acquired knowledge
in a manner that ensures its availability to other healthcare
Parasitic-Aware Optimization of CMOS RF Circuits
Parasitic-Aware Optimization of CMOS RF Circuits
The annual market for wireless devices exceeds tens of billions of dollars
worldwide. As markets expand and evolve, there is an insatiable demand for
greater functionality in smaller form factor devices, seamless compatibility
with various communications standards, longer battery operating lifetimes,
and, of course, lower costs.
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