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3D Game Engine Programming (Game Development Series)
3D Game Engine Programming (Game Development Series)
Developing your own 3D game engine can be a demanding task. If you?re up for the challenge, then "3D Game Engine Programming" is ready to take you through each step. All you need to begin is a working knowledge of C or C++and basic knowledge of the DirectX and Direct3D interfaces. With these skills behind you, you?re ready to tackle the...
Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning
Communicating Design: Developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning

This book, in a word, is about documentation. Sounds boring, doesn't it? Documentationthe collection of documents prepared over the course of a projectis, in many ways, the underbelly of web design. After all, documents usually appear on paper and end up sitting on a shelf where no one reads them. How cool could that be?

Sams Teach Yourself J2EE in 21 Days, Second Edition
Sams Teach Yourself J2EE in 21 Days, Second Edition

J2EE has become required knowledge for any serious Java developer, but learning this large and complex specification requires a substantial investment of time and energy. Sams Teach Yourself J2EE in 21 Days presents the enterprise Java architecture in accessible, easy-to-comprehend lessons, describing how each J2EE tool solves the challenges of...

Roland VS Recorder Power!
Roland VS Recorder Power!

In 1996, Roland introduced the VS-880 Digital Studio Workstation. The VS-880 brought together all the tools needed to make a finished song in a small form-factor at a very inexpensive price. The VS-880 combined digital recording, digital mixing, effects processing, and mastering—putting all the power of a recording studio...

Dictionary of Engineering
Dictionary of Engineering

Derived from the world-renowned McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition, [roman] this vital reference offers a wealth of essential information in a portable, convenient, quick-find format. Whether you’re a professional, a student, a writer, or a general reader with an interest in science, there...

Creating Cool Web Sites with HTML, XHTML, and CSS
Creating Cool Web Sites with HTML, XHTML, and CSS
How to take command of the wide, wonderful Web

Thinking of launching a Web site or an e-business? Want to jazz up the site you already have? This book is jammed with secrets that entice Web wanderers to stop at your site and return again. You’ll find out how to create a basic Web page, enhance it using CSS and...

Introductory Biostatistics
Introductory Biostatistics
The nuts-and-bolts of biostatistics–without the anxiety

To students in public health, dentistry, nursing, and other health disciplines, the introductory course in biostatistics conjures up dread images of mind-numbing formulas and dry-as-bones texts. This text, adapted from and expanding on his bestselling Health and Numbers (Wiley), will...

Video Conferencing Over IP: Configure, Secure, and Troubleshoot
Video Conferencing Over IP: Configure, Secure, and Troubleshoot
Before we help you understand what you need to make video calls, let’s discuss the various
flavors of videoconferencing and outline the topics we focus on in this book so that you
have a clear understanding of the differences among the various videoconferencing solutions.
We divide these videoconferencing types into three
Computer Graphics and Multimedia: Applications, Problems and   Solutions
Computer Graphics and Multimedia: Applications, Problems and Solutions
Making sense of the extensive disciplines and sub-topics within computer
graphics and multimedia is a lifelong challenge. No one can be versed in
all areas at once due to the vast amounts of information that exists on all the
subject areas and due to the dynamic nature of technology. Inevitably, we
specialize. Programmers create
Beginning OpenGL Game Programming (Game Development Series)
Beginning OpenGL Game Programming (Game Development Series)
This book provides new game programmers with a complete introduction to 3D game programming using OpenGL. All of the basic elements of OpenGL as it applies to game development are covered.

Provides new game programmers with a complete introduction to 3D game programming using OpenGL. Makes this popular development environment
Beginning Game Programming (Premier Press Game Development)
Beginning Game Programming (Premier Press Game Development)
Learn the essential skills needed to demystify game programming and harness the power of Windows® and DirectX®. "Beginning Game Programming" teaches you everything you need to know to write 2D and 3D games with C and DirectX 9 without any complex mathematics. Ease your way into this exciting new world by learning to write simple...
Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Computing
Tools and Environments for Parallel and Distributed Computing
Today's most complete reference on the rapidly evolving software technology used in parallel and distributed computing
Designing, developing, and utilizing the kinds of versatile computing environments that will effectively support today's complex scientific and engineering applications is an ongoing research challenge. Tools
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