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Contemporary Cryptography (Artech House Computer Security503)
Contemporary Cryptography (Artech House Computer Security503)
With the current ubiquity of computer networks and distributed systems in general,
and the Internet in particular, cryptography has become an enabling technology to
secure the information infrastructure(s) we are building, using, and counting on in
daily life. This is particularly true for modern cryptography.5 The important role
Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace
Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace
This book is about understanding the meanings of literacies at work.
Reading without a search for meanings is a contradiction in terms. So,
too, is doing workplace literacy education without focusing on how
people make sense of texts at work.

Yet often, that is exactly what workplace educators are asked to do.
We are
Dancing Revelations: Alvin Ailey's Embodiment of African American Culture
Dancing Revelations: Alvin Ailey's Embodiment of African American Culture
Alvin Ailey (1931–89) is arguably the most important black American choreographer
in the short history of modern dance. He created a body of dance works
that shaped African American participation in American modern dance during
the thirty-year period before his death. The company he founded in 1958, the
Alvin Ailey
High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice
High-Value IT Consulting: 12 Keys to a Thriving Practice
Invigorate your consulting practice with this series of sharply focused, practical chapters designed to deliver measurable results. Assess the health of your organization using Purba and Delaney's 12 Keys methodology--metrics that track the value of a consulting organization's activities and investments--to measure for positive impact on the...
3D Modeling and Animation: Synthesis and Analysis Techniques for the Human Body
3D Modeling and Animation: Synthesis and Analysis Techniques for the Human Body
The emergence of virtual reality applications and human-like interfaces has
given rise to the necessity of producing realistic models of the human body.
Building and animating a synthetic, cartoon-like, model of the human body has
been practiced for many years in the gaming industry and advances in the game
platforms have led to
WLANs and WPANs towards 4G Wireless
WLANs and WPANs towards 4G Wireless
This book paves the path toward fourth generation (4G) mobile communication
by introducing mobility in heterogeneous IP networks with both third
generation (3G) and wireless local area networks (WLANs), which is seen as
one of the central issues in the becoming 4G of telecommunications networks
and systems. This book presents a
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning in Higher Education provides a resource for researchers and practitioners in the area of computer-supported collaborative learning (also known as CSCL); particularly those working within a tertiary education environment. It includes articles of relevance to those interested in both theory and practice in...
Virtual Education: Cases in Learning & Teaching Technologies
Virtual Education: Cases in Learning & Teaching Technologies
Early computer researchers sought ways to use the new invention for learning
and teaching purposes. Instructional computing at that time took place on mainframes
in the form of typing and reading text, but serious efforts were made to
further utilize the computer power to serve education. Examples include the Programmed
Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits
Lumped Elements for RF and Microwave Circuits
During the last decade, stimulated by unprecedented growth in the wireless
communication application, outstanding progress has been made in the development
of low-cost solutions for front-end RF and microwave systems. Lumped
elements such as inductors, capacitors, and resistors have played a vital role in
the development of such
Leaning Into Six Sigma : A Parable of the Journey to Six Sigma and a Lean Enterprise
Leaning Into Six Sigma : A Parable of the Journey to Six Sigma and a Lean Enterprise

Warning: Reading this tale could result in effective change occurring in your organization!

This is the book you will want everyone in your company to read before you start your Lean Six Sigma deployment. Written by professionals who have successfully rolled out Lean Six Sigma in numerous organizations, Leaning Into...

Celebration of Fools: An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of JCPenney
Celebration of Fools: An Inside Look at the Rise and Fall of JCPenney

JCPenney was the quintessential American company. Since James Cash Penney opened his first store in the small mining town of Kemmerer, Wyoming, in 1902, this unique institution has been an iconic part of the national landscape. Founded and run on the core principles of thrift, hard work, and good citizenship, the retail giant prospered...

Microsoft  SQL Server(TM) 2005: Applied Techniques Step by Step
Microsoft SQL Server(TM) 2005: Applied Techniques Step by Step

Database solutions are integral to every organization that needs to store, analyze, and report on data. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provides a robust platform for implementing your database solution. SQL Server 2005 is packed with easy-to-use features that make it an ideal environment. In particular, this latest version of SQL...

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