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E-learning's Greatest Hits
E-learning's Greatest Hits

The term “e-learning” is relatively new, coined as it was in the late 1990s, at the height of the dotcom frenzy. You might believe that it’s far too early in e-learning’s history to be talking of greatest hits (you may even doubt it’s had any hits at all) but, if celebrities can publish their biographies when they...

Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach
Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach

Mac OS X was released in March 2001, but many components, such as Mach and BSD, are considerably older. Understanding the design, implementation, and workings of Mac OS X requires examination of several technologies that differ in their age, origins, philosophies, and roles.

Mac OS X Internals: A Systems...

Developing Visual Studio .NET Macros and Add-Ins
Developing Visual Studio .NET Macros and Add-Ins
Learn how to supercharge Visual Studio .NET with this in-depth guide to creating customized macros and add-ins

Whether you simply need to automate a repetitive task or make a full-scale improvement to Visual Studio .NET, Jeff Cogswell will quickly teach you how in this comprehensive book. You’ll find all the tools necessary to create...

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Step by Step
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Step by Step
For the several million developers using "traditional" Visual Basic 6, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Step by Step will put the new VB .NET within reach with a very approachable tour of the new version's features used to build traditional client-side software. If you've been put off by the newfangled books on .NET that spin the new...
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - SBIA 2004: 17th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
Advances in Artificial Intelligence - SBIA 2004: 17th Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence
SBIA, the Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, is a biennial event
intended to be the main forum of the AI community in Brazil. The SBIA 2004
was the 17th issue of the series initiated in 1984. Since 1995 SBIA has been
accepting papers written and presented only in English, attracting researchers
from all over the
LPIC-1: Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide (Level 1 Exams 101 and 102)
LPIC-1: Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide (Level 1 Exams 101 and 102)
LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide

Here's the book you need to prepare for the LPI Level 1 exams from Linux Professional Institute. This study guide was developed to meet the exacting requirements of today's certification candidates, and has been reviewed and designated as LPI Approved Training Material. In...

Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence, Third Edition
Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence, Third Edition
The classic text—now updated with a new interpretive approach to the WAIS®-III

Assessing Adolescent and Adult Intelligence, the classic text from Alan Kaufman and Elizabeth Lichtenberger, has consistently provided the most comprehensive source of information on cognitive assessment of adults and adolescents. The newly updated Third...

JavaScript in 10 Steps or Less
JavaScript in 10 Steps or Less
Since the mid-1990s when Netscape introduced version 2 of its flagship Netscape Navigator browser, JavaScript has been part of the Web development landscape. Providing a mechanism to implement dynamic interactivity in the browser, without connecting to the server, JavaScript is at the core of the Dynamic HTML model, which allows today’s...
PHP & MySQL Everyday Apps For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
PHP & MySQL Everyday Apps For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Includes unique object-oriented coverage!

Complete instructions for building real-world Web applications, with all code on CD

Create six practical applications — two user login-in apps, online catalog, shopping cart, content management system, and Web forum — both in procedural and object-oriented programming....

Intellectual Capital for Communities: Nations, Regions, and Cities
Intellectual Capital for Communities: Nations, Regions, and Cities
"a welcome and timely overview of a new and vibrant Intellectual Capital frontier. The chapters are fresh and topical. This is required reading!"
Karl-Erik Sveiby, Professor at Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki, Finland

"Bounfour and Edvinsson's extension of the burgeoning
Image Analysis, Sediments and Paleoenvironments (Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research)
Image Analysis, Sediments and Paleoenvironments (Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research)
Image analysis is concerned with the extraction of quantitative information from images
captured in digital form (Fortey 1995). Visual information has always played an important
role in the Geosciences — indeed, many disciplines rely heavily on the content of
images, whether they are sketches drawn in the field, or descriptions
XML Security
XML Security

Keep XML applications and documents secure with help from the leading authority in e-security

Get up to speed on XML and applied security technologies using this authoritative guide. Covering the fundamentals of XML structures and related security technologies--including XML signatures, XML encryption, and the XML key management...

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