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Traffic Analysis and Design of Wireless IP Networks
Traffic Analysis and Design of Wireless IP Networks
Wireless networks have penetrated almost a billion subscribers worldwide with
first and second generation mobile networks. The main service was voice, and
more recently modem-based low-rate data services. Because of the voiceoriented
traffic and circuit-switching technology, these networks are dimensioned
and designed using the
Case Studies In Knowledge Management
Case Studies In Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management (KM) has been growing in importance and popularity
as a research topic since the mid 1990s. This is sufficient time for many organizations
to implement KM initiatives and KM systems (KMS). This book presents twenty cases
investigating the implementation of KM in a number of business and industry settings
Design Patterns For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
Design Patterns For Dummies (Computer/Tech)
There's a pattern here, and here's how to use it!

Find out how the 23 leading design patterns can save you time and trouble

Ever feel as if you've solved this programming problem before? You — or someone — probably did, and that's why there's a design pattern to help...

Websphere for Linux on Iseries: Implementation Guide
Websphere for Linux on Iseries: Implementation Guide

This IBM Redbook is about WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2 for Linux on iSeries. It begins with a brief discussion of WebSphere Application Server V5.0.2, then provides details about product positioning on the OS/400 versus Linux for iSeries platforms, and about the features included in various packaging options.

This Redbook then...

Handbook of Pediatric Psychology in School Settings
Handbook of Pediatric Psychology in School Settings
The focus of this handbook is the delivery of pediatric psychological services in schools, but
in this introduction the focus is on the broader context of pediatric psychology and health care.
To understand changes in the provision of health care to children and adolescents, it is helpful
first to understand the several natures of
Microsoft Reporting Services in Action
Microsoft Reporting Services in Action
In archeology, the Rosetta stone was the key that solved the mysteries of Egyptian
hieroglyphics. I believe that with the release of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting
Services, code-named Rosetta, Microsoft gives organizations the key they need to
unlock the secrets of enterprise data and unleash the power hidden within....
Smart Antennas (Electrical Engineering & Applied Signal Processing Series)
Smart Antennas (Electrical Engineering & Applied Signal Processing Series)
Smart antennas involve processing of signals induced on an array of sensors such as
antennas, microphones, and hydrophones. They have applications in the areas of radar,
sonar, medical imaging, and communications.

Smart antennas have the property of spatial filtering, which makes it possible to receive
energy from a
Adobe Photoshop CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less
Adobe Photoshop CS in 10 Simple Steps or Less
If you are looking to create exciting Web graphics and need to define and edit images quickly and easily, then this book is for you--whether you’re new to Adobe’s latest graphics editing software or you need a refresher on Photoshop’s wide range of resources. Open the book and you’ll discover clear, easy-to-follow...
Advances in Image And Video Segmentation
Advances in Image And Video Segmentation
Image and video segmentation is one of the most critical tasks of analysis which
the objective of extracting information (represented by data) from an image or a
sequence of images (video). In the last 40 years, this field has experienced significant
growth and progress, resulting in a virtual explosion of published information....
High-Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity (Artech House Microwave Library)
High-Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity (Artech House Microwave Library)
This is a book for engineers designing high-speed circuit boards. To the signal integrity
engineer, this book will be a handbook of formulas and terminology as well as a
refresher of basic electrostatic and electromagnetic principals. The high-speed circuit
designer will find this book an easy entry into the electromagnetics and
Retire Sooner, Retire Richer : How to Build and Manage Wealth to Last a Lifetime
Retire Sooner, Retire Richer : How to Build and Manage Wealth to Last a Lifetime

No-nonsense advice for building a rock-solid retirement account and making your money last through your retirement years

In the Internet age, information is less expensive than ever before. Wisdom, however, remains at a premium. Retire Sooner, Retire Richer provides you with the wisdom you need to make...

Synthesis and Optimization of DSP Algorithms (Fundamental Theories of Physics S.)
Synthesis and Optimization of DSP Algorithms (Fundamental Theories of Physics S.)
This book addresses the problem of hardware synthesis from an initial, infinite
precision, specification of a digital signal processing (DSP) algorithm.
DSP algorithm development is often initially performed without regard to finite
precision effects, whereas in digital systems values must be represented to
a finite precision
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