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EDGE for Mobile Internet
EDGE for Mobile Internet
This ground-breaking resource offers you a detailed treatment of EDGE and its critical role in the development of the mobile Internet. The book explains how this global radio based high-speed mobile data standard can be introduced into GSM/GPRS networks, improving data transmission speeds to support multimedia services. It enables you to become...
Open Source Development with CVS
Open Source Development with CVS
The need for a modern source-code management strategy in the distributed open-source community is paramount. The benevolent dictatorship model of open-source maintainers is only quasi-stable, but it is far better than the other extreme: the chaos of democratic code development.

The best available compromise is the concurrent versioning system...

Circuit Design with VHDL
Circuit Design with VHDL
This textbook teaches VHDL using system examples combined with programmable logic and supported by laboratory exercises. While other textbooks concentrate only on language features, Circuit Design with VHDL offers a fully integrated presentation of VHDL and design concepts by including a large number of complete design examples,...
Broadband Bible, Desktop Edition
Broadband Bible, Desktop Edition

It’s better with broadband, and you can do it...

Whether you need Internet access to work from home, operate a home-based business, run a small business, or simply enjoy all the wonders of the Web, broadband is better. This guide makes it easy to choose among the many broadband options, get connected, set up...

Agile Software Construction
Agile Software Construction
 This book is about exploiting as many features of the agile movement as possible to enhance our software development processes. It is about selling you the concept o fagile software development. It is about how to make your projects agile. It is about what tools you should use to become agile.

 This book is about not rejecting
The Rise and Decline of the State
The Rise and Decline of the State
The state, which since the middle of the seventeenth century has been the most important and most characteristic of all moderninstitutions, is in decline. From Western Europe to Africa, either voluntarily or involuntarily, many existing states are either combining into larger communities or falling apart. Regardless of whether they fall apart or...
Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java
Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java
 Partha Kuchana is an experienced enterprise systems architect. He understands that patterns are not about things that are just good ideas, but that patterns are about capturing knowledge bred from experience. This hard-won knowledge is what Partha is sharing with readers of his book. Here are some of the things I really like about what he has...
Introduction to RF Equipment and System Design
Introduction to RF Equipment and System Design
Applies theoretical fundamentals to real-world issues, heavily relying on examples from recent design projects. Key discussions include system design schemes, circuits and components for system evaluations and design.

An excellent resource for engineers and technicians alike, this practical design guide offers a comprehensive and
Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications
Introduction to Simulink with Engineering Applications
    This text is an introduction to Simulink ®, a companion application to MATLAB ®. It is written for students at the undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as for the working professional. Although some previous knowledge of MATLAB would be helpful, it is not absolutely necessary; Appendix A of this text is an...
Instructional Engineering in Networked Environments (Tech Training Series)
Instructional Engineering in Networked Environments (Tech Training Series)
A Dynamic, Research-Based Approach to Knowledge Management

In this book, Gilbert Paquette–an internationally recognized expert in the field of technology-based training–offers IT professionals, trainers, and consultants a revolutionary method for going beyond simple information management. Instructional Engineering in Networked...

Hillbilly: A Cultural History of an American Icon
Hillbilly: A Cultural History of an American Icon
    Harkins, assistant professor of history at Western Kentucky University, means to examine the "cultural and ideological construct `the hillbilly'... rather than the actual people of the southern mountains." To this end, he examines some obscure early American printed material, Paul Webb's Esquire magazine cartoons from...
An Introduction to Parametric Digital Filters and Oscillators
An Introduction to Parametric Digital Filters and Oscillators
    Since the 1960s Digital Signal Processing (DSP) has been one of the most intensive fields of study in electronics. However, little has been produced specifically on linear non-adaptive time-variant digital filters.
  • The first book to be dedicated to Time-Variant Filtering
  • Provides a complete...
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