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XSLT Quickly
XSLT Quickly
This book is for people who need to learn XSLT quickly. While it isn’t meant to be a complete reference of everything you might want to do in XSLT, it will show you the twenty percent of XSLT that you’ll probably use eighty percent of the time. It also includes a user’s guide for looking up simple solutions to the most common...
Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers
Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers
We believe that the computer revolution has left most of you behind. Steve Jobs had similar thoughts when he founded Apple Computer and set out to build “computers for the rest of us.” The idea was to enable people who were not computer experts—like artists, educators, and children—to take advantage of the power of...
Java Development with Ant
Java Development with Ant
This book is about Ant, the award-winning Java build tool. Ant has become the centerpiece of so many projects’ build processes because it is easy to use, is platform independent, and addresses the needs of today’s projects to automate testing and deployment. From its beginnings as a helper application to compile Tomcat, Sun’s (now...
Webwork in Action
Webwork in Action
This book is very much what the title says: a book about working on web-based applications, using real-world examples along the way. That’s what WebWork emphasizes: working on your project, not wrestling with your framework. Although it isn’t the most-used web framework in the Java world, WebWork is widely known as the most refined, and...
Finale 2005 Power!
Finale 2005 Power!
In this book, you’ll learn all about creating professional-quality sheet music with Finale, and if you already know how to do this, you’ll learn how to do it faster. You’ll begin by establishing a solid understanding of Finale’s framework and then mastering the everyday shortcuts and tricks that make Finale a breeze to use....
RF Mems Circuit Design for Wireless Communications
RF Mems Circuit Design for Wireless Communications
This book examines the recent progress made in the emerging field of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology in the context of its imminent insertion and deployment in radio frequency (RF) and microwave wireless applications. In particular, as the potential of RF MEMS to enable the implementation of sophisticated, yet low-power, portable...
Building Cisco Remote Access Networks
Building Cisco Remote Access Networks
Citrix MetaFrame can deliver Windows-based applications to any user, anywhere regardless of network connection, LAN protocol, or client operating system. Configuring Citrix MetaFrame for Windows 2000 Terminal Services is written for system administrators who are deploying Citrix MetaFrame in a Windows 2000 environment. It examines MetaFrame's...
SCWCD Exam Study Kit Second Edition: Java Web Component Developer Certification
SCWCD Exam Study Kit Second Edition: Java Web Component Developer Certification
This book is for Java programmers who want to prepare for the SCWCD exam, which focuses on the Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies. This book will also be very useful for beginners since we have explained the concepts using simple examples. The text will bring you up to speed even if you are totally new to these technologies. Even expert...
Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit
Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit
This is the first fully integrated Penetration Testing book and bootable Linux CD containing the Auditor Security Collection which includes over 300 of the most effective and commonly used open source attack and penetration testing tools. This powerful tool kit and authoritative reference is written by the security industry's foremost...
Conspiracy in Camelot: The Complete History of the Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Conspiracy in Camelot: The Complete History of the Assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Those not already deeply immersed in recondite Kennedy assassination lore will find this offering by Kroth-an associate professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara University, and a contributor to CounterPunch, a biweekly "muckraking newsletter"-well over the top. Advertised as an "objective" look at the myriad conspiracy...
Differential Equations and Control Theory
Differential Equations and Control Theory
This volume is based on papers presented at the International Workshop on Differential Equations and Optimal Control, held at the Department of Mathematics of Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. The main objective of this international meeting was to feature new trends in the theory and applications of partial differential and functional-differential...
Encyclopedia Of Human Computer Interaction
Encyclopedia Of Human Computer Interaction
Human computer interaction (HCI) evolved as a recognized discipline that attracts innovation and creativity. For the last 25 years, it inspired new solutions, especially for the benefit of the user as a human being, making the user the focal point that technology should serve rather than the other way around. The advent of the Internet, combined...
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