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Network Security Technologies, Second Edition
Network Security Technologies, Second Edition

Network Security Technologies, Second Edition presents key security technologies from diverse fields, using a hierarchical framework that enables understanding of security components, how they relate to one another, and how they interwork. The author delivers a unique presentation of major legacy, state-of-the-art, and emerging network security...

Sams Teach Yourself J2EE in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself J2EE in 21 Days

J2EE has become required knowledge for any serious Java developer, but learning this large and complex specification requires a substantial investment of time and energy. Sams Teach Yourself J2EE in 21 Days presents the enterprise Java architecture in accessible, easy-to-comprehend lessons, describing how each J2EE tool solves the challenges of...

Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services
Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services
Much of the business transacted on the Web today takes place through information exchanges made possible by using documents as interfaces. For example, what seems to be a simple purchase from an online bookstore actually involves at least three different business collaborations -- between the customer and the online catalog to select a book;...
Advanced Topics in Database Research
Advanced Topics in Database Research
Advanced Topics in Database Research is a series of books on the fields of database, software engineering, and systems analysis and design. They feature the latest research ideas and topics on how to enhance current database systems, improve information storage, refine existing database models, and develop advanced applications. Advanced Topics in...
Building Secure Wireless Networks with 802.11
Building Secure Wireless Networks with 802.11
An implementer’s guide to setting up, configuring, and managing a secure wireless network

Whether you’re creating wireless networks for the home, small office, or enterprise, this innovative book presents a step-by-step approach to successfully building a wireless LAN that meets all of your security needs. Beginning with a...

Cases on Telecommunications And Networking
Cases on Telecommunications And Networking
During the past two decades, technological development related to telecommunication technologies has allowed organizations of all types and size to be able to develop effective networking applications in support of information management. Furthermore, telecommunication technologies combined with computer technology have created the foundation of...
ImageMagick Tricks: Web Image Effects from the Command Line and PHP
ImageMagick Tricks: Web Image Effects from the Command Line and PHP
Unleash the power of ImageMagick with this fast, friendly guide. It's packed with examples of photo manipulations, logo creation, animations, and complete web projects. With this book up your sleeve, you'll be creating spellbinding images from code in no time. ImageMagick is a free software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images using...
Building PDA Databases for Wireless and Mobile Development
Building PDA Databases for Wireless and Mobile Development
Learn how to build databases on personal digital devices to be used with PDA applications

Several years ago, the business community accepted the Internet as a viable solution to extending the corporate environment. Today, there is another movement towards enhancing this methodology–– empowering mobile wireless business users with...

Encyclopaedia Arcane: Battle Magic - The Eldritch Storm
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Battle Magic - The Eldritch Storm
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Battle Magic Continuing the Encyclopaedia Arcane series. Battle Magic introduces the greatest force of sorcery into the d20 System. Battle Mages of incredible power are able to blast entire hordes of enemies apart with fire and lightning - now, for the very first time, players too can access this awesome destructive force....
Methodology for the Digital Calibration of Analog Circuits and Systems: with Case Studies
Methodology for the Digital Calibration of Analog Circuits and Systems: with Case Studies
Methodology for the Digital Calibration of Analog Circuits and Systems shows how to relax the extreme design constraints in analog circuits, allowing the realization of high-precision systems even with low-performance components. A complete methodology is proposed, and three applications are detailed. To start with, an in-depth...
The Slayer's Guide To Derro
The Slayer's Guide To Derro
The derro have long been a mysterious race, hiding in darkness, their presence frequently but a whisper. Brought to the fore in this supplement, their culture, habitats, methods of warfare, and more are detailed in full so as to be usable by game masters and players alike.

The dwarven racesarequitediverse,but perhapsthe most deviant,
The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders
The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders
A massive reference work on the scale of MITECS (The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences), The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders will become the standard reference in this field for both research and clinical use. It offers almost 200 detailed entries, covering the entire range of communication and speech disorders in...
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