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Wastewater Pathogens (Wastewater Microbiology)
Wastewater Pathogens (Wastewater Microbiology)
A practical guide to wastewater pathogens

Wastewater treatment professionals face daily exposure to a wide variety of pathogens. These include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and helminthes, as well as allergins, endotoxins, and exotoxins. While generally minimal, potential health hazards are still cause for concern....

Information Security Policies and Actions in Modern Integrated Systems
Information Security Policies and Actions in Modern Integrated Systems
Information Security Policies and Actions in Modern Integrated Systems is an overview of current research in theoretical and practical aspects of security in distributed systems, in particular in information systems and related security tools. Issues treated in the book are security in XML-based management systems, security of multimedia data,...
Internet Television
Internet Television
Internet television is the quintessential digital convergence medium, putting together television, telecommunications, the Internet, computer applications, games, and more. It is part of a historic move from individualized narrowband capacity, measured by kilobits per user, to one of broadband with a capacity of megabits per user. This move will...
Essentials of KABC II Assessment
Essentials of KABC II Assessment
Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret the KABC-II
Now designed for children aged three to eighteen, the KABC-II is among the top tier of children's tests of cognitive ability. Alan and Nadeen Kaufman, authors of the KABC-II, joined forces with Elizabeth Lichtenberger and Elaine
Introduction to Survey Quality
Introduction to Survey Quality
The principles and concepts of survey measurement quality

Issues of survey quality have become increasingly more prominent in recent years. As more and more professionals who are not necessarily trained as survey researchers take on tasks associated with surveys, the need arises for a grounded, basic introduction to current survey methods and...

Encyclopaedia Arcane: Blood Magic
Encyclopaedia Arcane: Blood Magic
The ancient practice of blood magic has been outlawed in many civilised societies, for though it allows access to staggering levels of magical power the price can be very high. Savage tribes often respect blood magic, though even they tend to fear and avoid it where possible – its power is the stuff of legend, to be invoked only by those who...
MacBook for Dummies
MacBook for Dummies
Work with networks, share access, troubleshoot, and more
Enjoy music and videos, cruise the Web, and even do some work -- from anywhere!
Not only can your MacBook do everything a desktop computer can, it can do some things better! Find out how to use the cool iLife(r) applications, like iPhoto,(r) iMovie,,(r) and iTunes,(r) plus gobs
Biomechanical Systems: Techniques and Applications, Volume III:  Musculoskeletal Models and Techniques
Biomechanical Systems: Techniques and Applications, Volume III: Musculoskeletal Models and Techniques
Because of rapid developments in computer technology and computational techniques, advances in a wide spectrum of technologies, and other advances coupled with cross-disciplinary pursuits between technology and its applications to human body processes, the field of biomechanics continues to evolve. Many areas of significant progress can be noted....
Managing It Skills Portfolios: Planning, Acquisition and Performance Evaluation
Managing It Skills Portfolios: Planning, Acquisition and Performance Evaluation
Managing for IT skills is never easy at the firm level. Technologies change constantly and rapidly. The supply and demand of IT skills fluctuate. Firms do not have commonly recognized frameworks to manage IT skills of their workforce. A consistent taxonomy of IT skills is underdeveloped and used infrequently in industry. This book provides the...
Basic Training in Chemistry
Basic Training in Chemistry
Basic Training in Chemistry is unique in that it gathers into one source the essential information that is usually widely dispersed. This book can be used as a quick reference guide to the different disciplines of Chemistry: the areas covered are General, Inorganic, Organic, and Instrumental Analysis. Although comprehensive in nature, Basic...
Levine's Guide to SPSS for Analysis of Variance: Second Edition
Levine's Guide to SPSS for Analysis of Variance: Second Edition
In the decade since the publication of the first edition of this guide (Levine, 1991), and despite the development of several more specialized statistical techniques, analysis of variance (ANOVA) continues to be the workhorse for many behavioral science researchers. This guide provides instructions and examples for running analyses of variance, as...
Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb: Principle, Operation and Applications
Femtosecond Optical Frequency Comb: Principle, Operation and Applications
This book provides an introductory description of mode-locked lasers, the connection between time and frequency descriptions of their output and the physical origins of the electric field dynamics, together with an overview of applications of femtosecond comb technology. Individual chapters go into more detail on mode-locked laser development,...
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