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Interface Oriented Design
Interface Oriented Design
Interface-Oriented Design explores how you can develop software with interfaces that interact with each other. We’ll look at techniques for breaking down solutions into these interacting interfaces and then for determining appropriate implementations for these interfaces to create well-structured...
Process Improvement in Practice: A Handbook for IT Companies
Process Improvement in Practice: A Handbook for IT Companies
Faster – better – cheaper. This is the challenge that software companies face every day. How to meet customer expectations in a world where continuously changing environments, organizations and technology is the rule rather than the exception.

One way to meet these challenges is to share knowledge and experience – use
Financing College: How Much You'll Really Have to Pay and How to Get the Money
Financing College: How Much You'll Really Have to Pay and How to Get the Money
Think the college your child wants to attend is out of your reach? Think again! Here's the help you need to figure out how to afford college, not just pay for it! "Davis's book provides solid financial planning advice with insider tips on lowering college costs. The book tackles both long term college planning (serving as an excellent...
The Two W's of Journalism: The Why and What of Public Affairs Reporting
The Two W's of Journalism: The Why and What of Public Affairs Reporting
Public affairs journalism is a subcategory of all journalism, but it lies at the core of the profession because the practice of journalism is, finally, inseparable from the practice of democracy. Doing journalism of any sort requires two important sets of talents—reporting the news and presenting the news. For the most part, journalists'...
Underwater Concreting and Repair
Underwater Concreting and Repair
The construction of a wide range of structures including bridge piers, harbours, sea and river defences over many decades, and more recently the development of offshore oil fields, has required placement of concrete underwater. This process can be successfully carried out and sound, good quality concrete produced if sufficient attention is paid to...
Computing System Reliability: Models and Analysis
Computing System Reliability: Models and Analysis
Computing has been the fastest developing technology during the last century. Computing systems are widely used in many areas, and they are desired to achieve various complex and safety-critical missions. The applications of the computing systems have now crossed many different fields and can be found in different products, for example, air traffic...
Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain: Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prostheses
Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain: Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prostheses
This book has its origins in a meeting entitled ‘‘Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain: Intracranial Implantation of Hardware Models of Neural Circuitry,’’ that took place in Washington, D.C., in August 1999. The meeting was sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the University of Southern California...
A Business Guide to Information Security
A Business Guide to Information Security
This book was designed, and is intended to be used, as both a digital and an analogue (that is, dual online and hardcopy) resource. The speed of evolution in computing and of the internet means that any book on information security starts going out of date fairly quickly. On top of that, there is a six- to eight-month gap between completing the...
Linux+ 2005 In Depth
Linux+ 2005 In Depth
“...In a future that includes competition from open source, we can expect that the eventual destiny of any software technology will be to either die or become part of the open infrastructure itself.” Eric S....
Sexual Murder: Catathymic and Compulsive Homicide
Sexual Murder: Catathymic and Compulsive Homicide
During graduate school, I had planned on a career in professional psychology with an emphasis on evaluating and treating children and adolescents. After a 2-year traineeship at a state hospital, I was ready to begin my clinical internship at the New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute in Princeton. Due to an administrative snafu, however, I was...
Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics
With the advent of `multimedia', digital signal processing (DSP) of sound has emerged from the shadow of bandwidth limited speech processing to become a research field of its own. To date, most research in DSP applied to sound has been concentrated on speech, which is bandwidth limited to about 4 kilohertz. Speech processing is also limited by the...
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . .” With these famous words, Charles Dickens plunges the reader into one of history’s most explosive eras—the French Revolution. From the storming of the Bastille to the relentless drop of the guillotine, Dickens vividly captures the terror and upheaval...
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