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Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions
Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions
Text develops an integrative, cross-sectoral approach in the use of Community Informatics to increase social and cultural capital as a means to increased sustainability for regional communities. For policy developers, researchers, and students. Hardcover, softcover available from the publisher. DLC: Community...
Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL
Build Your Own Database Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL
This book is aimed at intermediate and advanced Web designers looking to make the leap into server-side programming. You’ll be expected to be comfortable with simple HTML, as I’ll make use of it without much in the way of explanation. No knowledge of JavaScript is assumed or required, but if you do know JavaScript, you’ll find it...
Data Mining: Opportunities and Challenges
Data Mining: Opportunities and Challenges
An overview of the multidisciplinary field of data mining, this book focuses specifically on new methodologies and case studies. Included are case studies written by 44 leading scientists and talented young scholars from seven different countries. Topics covered include data mining based on rough sets, the impact of missing data, and mining free...
Domesday: The Inquest and the Book
Domesday: The Inquest and the Book
Domesday Book is the oldest and most precious of the public records, but historians still disagree on its purpose. In arguing that the writing of Domesday Book was no part of the Domesday survey, this book proposed a solution to a riddle that will change our perception of the Norman Conquest and Norman kingship.

Virtual and Collaborative Teams: Process, Technologies, and Practice
Virtual and Collaborative Teams: Process, Technologies, and Practice
Virtual and Collaborative Teams is of importance to practitioners and researchers because it brings together in a single accessible source, a variety of current research and practice on the subject of virtual and collaborative teams. Geographic distance, technology, lack of social presence, lack of adequate training...
Dynamic Scheduling with Microsoft Project 2002: The Book by and for Professionals
Dynamic Scheduling with Microsoft Project 2002: The Book by and for Professionals
Microsoft Project is a tool that helps you plan, control and communicate your project. This software can help you create Gantt Charts, network diagrams, resource histograms, and budgets. It will provide reports tailored to your needs and allow you to depict the progress of your project. The strengths of the software are:
Business Under Fire: How Israeli Companies Are Succeeding in the Face of Terror
Business Under Fire: How Israeli Companies Are Succeeding in the Face of Terror
American companies steeling themselves against the threat of terrorism can learn a lot from Israel's experience. Despite facing the constant grim reality of terrorism, the Israeli economy is surprisingly robust. How do businesses in Israel stay viable in a chaotic environment, and how do they rebuild in the wake of destruction? Based on in-depth...
Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World: Theory and Practice
Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World: Theory and Practice
Intellectual Property Rights in a Networked World is a collection of recent essays offering fresh perspectives on the scope and future of intellectual property rights. The tripartite division of the book is designed to make this inter-disciplinary topic more accessible and intelligible to readers of diverse backgrounds. Part I consists of a single...
Electronic Commerce in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: Frameworks, Issues and Implications
Electronic Commerce in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: Frameworks, Issues and Implications
Much of the e-commerce and IT research in small and medium sized enterprises (SME) indicates that these smaller businesses are lagging behind in implementing technological advances. This raises concerns for these SME's success as the Information Age becomes ever more of a reality. e-Business, e-Government & Small and Medium-Size Enterprises:...
Practicing Software Engineering in the 21st Century
Practicing Software Engineering in the 21st Century
This technological manual explores how software engineering principles can be used in tandem with software development tools to produce economical and reliable software that is faster and more accurate. Tools and techniques provided include the Unified Process for GIS application development, service-based approaches to business and information...
The Mystery of the Quantum World, Second Edition
The Mystery of the Quantum World, Second Edition
… solid and reliable.
-The Good Book Guide

… an excellent introduction to an interesting and ongoing field of research in physics for those who have some knowledge of quantum theory.
-A. Davies, Australian and New Zealand Physicist

… a splendid book … a good reference for current undergraduates...

Webster's New World Hacker Dictionary
Webster's New World Hacker Dictionary
The comprehensive hacker dictionary for security professionals, businesses, governments, legal professionals, and others dealing with cyberspace.

Hackers. Crackers. Phreakers. Black hats. White hats. Cybercrime. Logfiles. Anonymous Digital Cash. ARP Redirect.

Cyberspace has a language all its own. Understanding it is vital
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