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Computer Systems: Theory, Technology and Applications
Computer Systems: Theory, Technology and Applications

An invited collection of peer-reviewed papers surveying key areas of Roger Needham's distinguished research career at Cambridge University and Microsoft Research.

From operating systems to distributed computing, many of the world's leading researchers provide insight into the latest concepts and theoretical insights--many of which are...

The Making of a Neuromorphic Visual System
The Making of a Neuromorphic Visual System
This book presents an approach to the construction of a visual system, which is behaviorally, computationally and neurally motivated. The goal is to characterize the process of visual categorization and to find a suitable representation format that can successfully deal with the structural variability existent within visual categories. The book...
Nagios: System and Network Monitoring
Nagios: System and Network Monitoring

**Covers Nagios 2.0**

"WOW! This books is incredibly detailed and Wolfgang has done an excellent job. I don't think I could have gone into that much detail if I wrote a book mysel. Kudos!" —Ethan Galstad, Nagios main developer

Good system administrators know about problems long before anyone asks,...

Brand Stretch: Why 1 in 2 extensions fail, and how to beat the odds: A brandgym workout
Brand Stretch: Why 1 in 2 extensions fail, and how to beat the odds: A brandgym workout
“This is essentially a useful guide for brand managers in organisations without long-term wisdom.” (Brand Strategy, May 2004)

“If this review were to be only two words, they would be 'Buy this!' [this] book is an essential, authoritative and easy-to-understand..” (Media Week 4 May 2004)

"...an admirable
Privacy, Security and Trust within the Context of Pervasive Computing
Privacy, Security and Trust within the Context of Pervasive Computing
Privacy, Security and Trust within the Context of Pervasive Computing is an edited volume based on a post workshop at the second international conference on Pervasive Computing. The workshop was held April18-23, 2004, in Vienna, Austria. The goal of the workshop was not to focus on specific, even novel mechanisms, but rather on the interfaces...
Nonprofit Essentials: The Capital Campaign
Nonprofit Essentials: The Capital Campaign
A thorough and practical overview of the process of planning and managing a capital campaign
"I have not come across a better book on the overall strategy and techniques necessary for the planning and implementation of a capital campaign. Ms. Walker covers all of the bases in a clear and concise manner that will benefit many
Mission Critical Internet Security
Mission Critical Internet Security
The best security for a network segment is isolation, but that's not an option if you want your users to enjoy Internet connectivity. Mission Critical Internet Security explores your options for protecting your network from attack across the Internet, emphasizing firewall solutions from Cisco, Symantec, Microsoft, and Check Point. This...
Inside the FDA: The Business and Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the Food We Eat
Inside the FDA: The Business and Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the Food We Eat
The Holiday Inn in Bethesda, Maryland, is an unassuming stucco building tucked sideways off a slow commercial street, across from a Pizza Hut, a gas station, and a mini-mart. You enter from the side driveway and climb up a wide, curving staircase to reach the Versailles II ballroom on the second floor.

On a sunny February morning in
Web Communities: Analysis and Construction
Web Communities: Analysis and Construction
The rapid development of Web technology has made the World Wide Web an important and popular application platform for disseminating and searching information as well as conducting business. However, due to the lack of uniform schema for Web documents, the low precision of most search engines and the information explosion on the World Wide Web, the...
Securing Wireless LANs: A Practical Guide for Network Managers, LAN Administrators and the Home Office User
Securing Wireless LANs: A Practical Guide for Network Managers, LAN Administrators and the Home Office User
Whether you are a network manager tasked with providing local wireless access to corporate business systems, or a home-based user, keen to optimize your data communications network, security will be the issue uppermost in your mind.

Wireless LANs are becoming ubiquitous. From hotel lobbies to Starbucks coffee shops, from...

Nuclear Import and Export in Plants and Animals
Nuclear Import and Export in Plants and Animals
The nucleus is perhaps the most complex organelle of the cell. The wide range of functions of the cell nucleus and its molecular components include packaging and maintaining the integrity of the cellular genetic material, generating messages to the protein synthesis machinery of the cell, assembling ribosome precursors and delivering them to the...
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0: Photographers' Guide
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0: Photographers' Guide
There’s a reason why digital camera icons abound in the splash screens and introductory views of the brand new Photoshop Elements 3.0. Digital photography and Elements were made for each other. However, whether you’re using a digital pixel-grabber or a conventional film camera, Adobe’s revamped easy-to-use image editor has the...
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