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Java Message Service
Java Message Service
The Java Message Service (JMS) provides a way for the components of a distributed application to talk asynchronously, or for welding together legacy enterprise systems. Think of it as application-to-application e-mail. Unlike COM, JMS uses one or more JMS servers to handle the messages on a store-and-forward basis, so that the loss of one or more...
Security Assessment: Case Studies for Implementing the NSA IAM
Security Assessment: Case Studies for Implementing the NSA IAM
The National Security Agency's INFOSEC Assessment Methodology (IAM) provides guidelines for performing an analysis of how information is handled within an organization: looking at the systems that store, transfer, and process information. It also analyzes the impact to an organization if there is a loss of integrity, confidentiality, or...
The Book of Visual Basic 2005:  NET Insight for Classic VB Developers
The Book of Visual Basic 2005: NET Insight for Classic VB Developers

From the author of the highly acclaimed Book of VB .NET comes this comprehensive introduction to Visual Basic 2005, the newest version of Microsoft’s popular programming language. If you’re a developer who is new to the language, you will learn to use VB 2005 effectively. If you’re from the old school of VB but...

Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book
Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book
The Java 2 Core Language Little Black Book is a compact, detailed reference for intermediate to experienced programmers and managers who are ready to learn how to build Java programs. The book features a logical, sequential approach with concise overviews and step-by-step, ready-to-use solutions created by a master Java programmer. This book is...
Herding Chickens: Innovative Techniques for Project Management
Herding Chickens: Innovative Techniques for Project Management
Get The Straight Scoop On Project Management—Ingenious Strategies That Work!

Have you studied the traditional processes of project management, only to discover that in reality they fall short? Are you done with the idealistic theories of how things should function and eager to apply
Hardening Windows, Second Edition
Hardening Windows, Second Edition

Hardening is the process of protecting a system against unknown threats. System administrators harden against that which they think could be a threat. Administrators know the Internet is a hostile environment. Although they can't tell, for example, that a hacker will attempt to gain access to the SQL server next Tuesday, they can bet...

DirectX9 User Interfaces: Design and Implementation
DirectX9 User Interfaces: Design and Implementation
With all books there is a “target” audience, and although the distinction between those suited and unsuited to this title is somewhat nebulous, I feel confident in advocating that readers wanting to learn more about DirectX and sensible user interface design, and who have a solid comprehension of Microsoft Visual C++, as well as a basic...
The Science of Supervillains
The Science of Supervillains
The science behind the scoundrels we love to hate

From Spider-Man’s bionic archenemy, Dr. Octopus, to Superman’s nemesis, Lex Luthor, to the X-Men’s eternal rival, Magneto, comic book villains have kept us captivated for years---- not just by their diabolical talent for confounding our heroes, but also by their unrivaled...

Building a Cisco Network for WIndows 2000
Building a Cisco Network for WIndows 2000
The release of Windows 2000 Server represents a major advance in the integration of Microsoft's and Cisco's network technologies. Windows 2000 provides an LDAP-compliant directory service called Active Directory. It is accessible over any TCP/IP based internetwork, including the Internet. As such, the Active Directory is the foundation of this...
Using Investor Relations to Maximize Equity Valuation
Using Investor Relations to Maximize Equity Valuation
A practical guide to proactive investor relations (IR)
Investor relations (IR) has traditionally been an administrative function within corporate communications, responsible for disseminating public information and answering investor and media questions. Using Investor Relations to Maximize Equity Valuation challenges this approach, by
Sams' Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours
Sams' Teach Yourself Linux in 24 Hours
While this guide won't make you an expert in Linux, it will explain how to get Red Hat Linux to work and how to do basic things with it. Organized into 24 lessons that take about an hour apiece, this book helps you ensure that your system can handle Linux and walks you through the process of installing Red Hat Linux and the Xfree86 windowing...
.NET Framework Essentials (2nd Edition)
.NET Framework Essentials (2nd Edition)
Fully updated for Microsoft's official release, .NET Framework Essentials, 2nd Edition is an objective, concise, and technical overview of the new Microsoft .NET Framework for developing web applications and services.

Specifically written for intermediate to advanced VB, C/C++, Java, and Delphi developers, .NET Framework...

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