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RFID Security
RFID Security

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a method of remotely storing and receiving data using devices called RFID tags. RFID tags can be small adhesive stickers containing antennas that allow them to receive and respond to transmissions from RFID transmitters. RFID tags are used to identify and track everything from Exxon EZ passes to dogs to...

The Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing
The Variational Bayes Method in Signal Processing
This is the first book-length treatment of the Variational Bayes (VB) approximation in signal processing. It has been written as a self-contained, self-learning guide for academic and industrial research groups in signal processing, data analysis, machine learning, identification and control. It reviews the VB distributional approximation, showing...
Semistructured Database Design
Semistructured Database Design
The work presented in this book came about after we recognized that illdesigned semistructured databases can lead to update anomalies, and there is a strong need for algorithms and tools to help users design storage structures for semistructured data. We have been publishing papers in the design of databases for semistructured data since 1999, and...
Internet Routing Architectures (2nd Edition)
Internet Routing Architectures (2nd Edition)
The industry¿s leading resource for Internet routing solutions and scenariosExplore the functions, attributes, and applications of BGP-4, the de facto interdomain routing protocol, through practical scenarios and configuration examplesLearn the contemporary Internet structure and understand how to evaluate a service provider in dealing with...
Intrusion Detection and Correlation: Challenges and Solutions
Intrusion Detection and Correlation: Challenges and Solutions

Intrusion Detection and Correlation: Challenges and Solutions presents intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and addresses the problem of managing and correlating the alerts produced. This volume discusses the role of intrusion detection in the realm of network security with comparisons to traditional methods such as firewalls and...

Mastering Jakarta Struts
Mastering Jakarta Struts
A code-intensive guide to using the Jakarta Struts Framework to build Java Web applications

Developing Web applications with Java became considerably easier with the advent of JavaServer Pages (JSP) and servlets. Unfortunately, when used for large-scale applications, JSPs have been less successful–– they can become bloated with...

EJB Cookbook
EJB Cookbook
All but two recipes in this book are based on the EJB 2.0 specification. The recipes on creating EJB web service endpoints and the EJB timer service are based on the EJB 2.1 specification. In a few chapters, the book covers other technologies or frameworks where appropriate. In fact, this book makes use of XDoclet, log4j, Ant, and Cactus. For...
Java Game Programming for Dummies
Java Game Programming for Dummies
Online game design just got easier with Java Game Programming For Dummies, your all-in-one reference guide to writing cool, cutting-edge Internet games. Java Game Programming For Dummies guides new and veteran game designers alike through the nuts and bolts of creating fun, user-friendly games that can be played...
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk
Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk

Completely-updated Tcl/Tk best-seller! Extensive new coverage of UNIX, Windows and Macintosh Tcl/Tk.

Authored by a member of the Tcl/Tk development team, Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk is the most comprehensive, practical guide to Tcl and Tk available. Beginners can rely on this book for a thorough, well-organized...

Ethernet Networks: Design, Implementation, Operation,& Management
Ethernet Networks: Design, Implementation, Operation,& Management
Ethernet Networks, Fourth Edition, provides everything you need to know to plan, implement, manage and upgrade Ethernet networks.
  • Improve your skills in employing Ethernet hubs, switches, and routers.

  • Learn how to set up and operate a wireless Local Area Network (LAN).

Drupal: Creating Blogs, Forums, Portals, And Community Websites
Drupal: Creating Blogs, Forums, Portals, And Community Websites
The Internet is arguably one of the most profound achievements in human history. It has become so pervasive in our lives that we hardly even notice it—except when it happens to be unavailable! It's one of those things that make you sit back and wonder how people got along without it in the old days. Without the ability to surf the Internet to...
The Digital Photography Book
The Digital Photography Book
Scott Kelby, the man who changed the "digital darkroom" forever with his groundbreaking, #1 bestselling, award-winning book The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, now tackles the most important side of digital photography--how to take pro-quality shots using the same tricks today's top digital pros...
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