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Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002
Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002
Design More Efficient Applications with the Leading Visual Modeler

Mastering UML with Rational Rose 2002 offers expert instruction in both areas you need to master if you want to develop flexible object-oriented applications: the Unified Modeling Language and the latest version of Rational Rose, the world’s...

Debian GNU/Linux Bible
Debian GNU/Linux Bible
If Debian GNU/Linux can do it, you can do it too … Whether you're a Linux newcomer looking for foolproof installation tips or a Debian GNU/ veteran who wants the scoop on the latest security enhancements, this authoritative guide delivers all the information you need to make the most of the Debian GNU/ "potato" release. From...
Swing (Second Edition)
Swing (Second Edition)
Written for the experienced Java developer, Swing provides an in-depth guide to getting the most out of Sun's Swing/JFC user interface classes. Mixing real-world code examples and expert advice on advanced features, this book shows how to make use of this powerful library effectively within your own projects.

The best thing about this...

Hack Proofing Linux : A Guide to Open Source Security
Hack Proofing Linux : A Guide to Open Source Security
Hack Proofing Linux: A Guide to Open Source Security is designed to help you deploy a Linux system on the Internet in a variety of security roles.This book provides practical instructions and pointers concerning the open source security tools that we use every day.

First, we show you how to obtain
Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion
Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion
Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion by Oliver Grau is a comparative historical analysis of how virtual art fits into the art history of illusion and realism. Offering an insightful study of the evolution of immersive visual spaces, Grau reexamines the term image to reflect on the implications of...
The Professional Development of Teachers: Practice and Theory
The Professional Development of Teachers: Practice and Theory
We have subtitled this book ‘Practice and Theory’ because that is the order in which we plan to deal with the subject. We have been running and evaluating programmes for the professional development of teachers since 1970 and the first section of the book will describe some of that practice and the principles which have emerged, and...
Peer to Peer Computing: The Evolution of a Disruptive Technology
Peer to Peer Computing: The Evolution of a Disruptive Technology
Peer to Peer Computing: The Evolution of Disruptive Technology takes a holistic approach to the affects P2P Computing has on a number a disciplines. Some of those areas covered within this book include grid computing, web services, bio-informatics, security, finance and economics, collaboration, and legal issues. Unique in its approach, Peer to...
Oracle SQL Tuning Pocket Reference
Oracle SQL Tuning Pocket Reference
This book is a quick-reference guide for tuning Oracle SQL. This is not a comprehensive Oracle tuning book.

The purpose of this book is to give you some light reading material on my "real world" tuning experiences and those of my company, Mark Gurry & Associates. We tune many large Oracle sites. Many of those sites, such as
XPath and XPointer
XPath and XPointer
XML documents contain regular but flexible structures. Developers can use those structures as a framework on which to build powerful transformative and reporting applications, as well as to establish connections between different parts of documents. XPath and XPointer are two W3C-created technologies that make these structures accessible to...
A Short Course in Digital Photography
A Short Course in Digital Photography
This easy-to-understand book is your guide to getting great photos with your digital camera. It sweeps away unnecessary complexity and explains what you really need to know to use the camera's controls when you're taking pictures. Designed like a text/workbook, there are places for you to write in how to set your camera for the best possible...
Wired for Good: Strategic Technology Planning for Nonprofits
Wired for Good: Strategic Technology Planning for Nonprofits
Wired for Good is a nuts-and-bolts guide to strategic technology planning for nonprofit organizations— no matter how large or small. This book leads nonprofits through a planning process that will help them align their technology use with their mission and strategic goals, determine what the appropriate technology tools are to meet...
Object-Oriented ActionScript For Flash 8
Object-Oriented ActionScript For Flash 8
If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a developer, it’s this: Complexity happens; simplicity, you have to consistently strive for. Nowhere is this truer than in education. Our role as teachers, by definition, is to simplify subjects so that they can be easily understood. A good teacher dispels trepidation with anecdote, abstraction...
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