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Digital Photography All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, Third Edition
Digital Photography All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies, Third Edition

Your one-stop, full-color guide to creating digital images with "wow"

From picking your camera to posting photos on the Web, here's what you need to know about digital photography in eight easy-to-use minibooks! Packed with full-color examples that will get your...

Game Programming for Teens, Second Edition
Game Programming for Teens, Second Edition
What is programming? Programming, according to Dictionary.com, is “a set of coded instructions that enables a machine, especially a computer, to perform a desired sequence of operations.” In other words, programming allows you to make your computer do whatever you want it to do. Programming is used in everything related to the computer,...
Selected Styles in Web-based Educational Research
Selected Styles in Web-based Educational Research
Web-based teaching has become ubiquitous in education and training departments around the world. Yet, few believe the Web to be a total solution to education. Simple provision of software management tools does not guarantee continuous student collaboration. Also, the current status of online collaborative environments does not match the variety of...
Convergent Architecture: Building Model Driven J2EE Systems with UML
Convergent Architecture: Building Model Driven J2EE Systems with UML
"A compelling vision for application architecture, combined with precise instructions for implementing that vision. It is certain to raise the bar for the application development community."
–David A. Taylor, Author of Business Engineering with Object Technology

When David Taylor introduced the concept of Convergent...

Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems
Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems
As the field of communications networks continues to evolve, a very interesting and challenging area — wireless sensor networks — is rapidly coming of age. A wireless sensor network consists of a large number of sensor nodes that may be randomly and densely deployed. Sensor nodes are small electronic components capable of sensing many...
The Emotionally Intelligent Nurse Leader
The Emotionally Intelligent Nurse Leader
The Emotionally Intelligent Nurse Leader offers nurse managers, health care leaders, and emerging leaders a useful guide for identifying, using, and regulating their emotions (emotional intelligence). As the author clearly demonstrates, harnessing the power of emotional intelligence can transform the work environment and the...
Nature's Keepers: The Remarkable Story of How the Nature Conservancy Became the Largest Environmental Group in the World
Nature's Keepers: The Remarkable Story of How the Nature Conservancy Became the Largest Environmental Group in the World
Learn the Management and Leadership Lessons of the World's Largest Environmental Organization

"Nature's Keepers is a remarkable book about a remarkable organization—and a ripping yarn about groups and people who make a difference against all odds. Beyond that, it is a matchless tale of a half-century of organizational growth and...

CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide
CCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide
The official preparation guide for the new CCIE Routing and Switching written examCCIE Routing and Switching Exam Certification Guide is a comprehensive study and assessment tool. Written and reviewed by CCIEs and developed with the assistance of the CCIE program manager, this book is appropriate preparation for the new CCIE Routing and Switching...
Dreamweaver MX 2004 Bible
Dreamweaver MX 2004 Bible
If you’re one of the 2.4 million Web professionals who rely on Dreamweaver to create active, database-driven Web sites–or if you want to be–here’s the only reference manual you need. From step-by-step instruction in Dreamweaver MX 2004 basics, like the updated interface and integration with...
Advanced Animation with DirectX
Advanced Animation with DirectX
Welcome to Advanced Animation with DirectX® ! This book is your guide to getting past the basics of DirectX graphics and into the bigger world of advanced animation! Take the information you already know and learn how to expand it into a vast array of various eyepopping graphical effects.

POJOs in Action: Developing Enterprise Applications with Lightweight Frameworks
POJOs in Action: Developing Enterprise Applications with Lightweight Frameworks
A solid, valuable and easy-to-read work.

The standard platform for enterprise application development has been EJB but the difficulties of working with it caused it to become unpopular. They also gave rise to lightweight technologies such as Hibernate, Spring, JDO, iBATIS and others, all of
Create Your Own Employee Handbook: A Legal and Practical Guide
Create Your Own Employee Handbook: A Legal and Practical Guide
Whether your business has a few employees or several thousand, providing them with a handbook that spells out your company's benefits, policies and procedures makes great sense, practically and legally.

Create Your Own Employee Handbook provides all the information and policies managers, HR professionals and business owners need to create their...

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