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CCNP: Routing Study Guide (Exam 640-503)
CCNP: Routing Study Guide (Exam 640-503)
This book is intended to help you continue on your exciting new path toward obtaining your CCNP and CCIE certification. Before reading this book, it is important to have at least read the Sybex CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, Second Edition. You can take the CCNP tests in any order, but...
PC Magazine Guide Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
PC Magazine Guide Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
As much as this book is about how to buy and use a Media Center PC, down deep it is…about how owning one changes the way you watch TV and manage your entertain-ment content. Like all good revolutions, this one empowers you.

One device. One remote. If that isn’t a revolutionary approach to entertainment, what is? Now a former PC...

Working Smart in Adobe Photoshop CS2
Working Smart in Adobe Photoshop CS2
Everyone uses Photoshop; however, not everyone uses it efficiently! With this guide, the folks at Adobe Press are hoping to remedy that situation. Realizing that if you're a veteran Photoshop user, you may still be using methods more suitable to long-ago versions and that if you're new to Photoshop, you may be...
Home Network Security Simplified
Home Network Security Simplified

Phishing. Malware. Spyware. Trojan horses. Firewalls. Parental controls. If you have a home computer connected to the Internet, you need to understand these security terms. If that connection is high-speed (always on) or you run a wireless network, your needyour vulnerabilityis that much greater. Now, with Home Network Security...

Visual C# 2005 Demystified
Visual C# 2005 Demystified
The FAST and EASY way to learn VISUAL C+ 2005

Start programming in Visual C# 2005 right away -- even if you don't have formal training, unlimited time, or a genius IQ. In Visual C# 2005 Demystified, programming instructor Jeff Kent provides an effective, illuminating, and entertaining way to learn to use this...

Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours (4th Edition)
Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours (4th Edition)

JavaScript is one of the easiest, most straightforward ways to enhance a Web site with interactivity.

Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours serves as an easy-to-understand tutorial on both scripting basics and JavaScript itself. The book is written in a clear and personable style with an extensive use of practical, complete...

Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF Bible
Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF Bible
"The Acrobat PDF Bible is the gospel truth – a must-have reference for all disciples of the portable document format!"
– Karl De Abrew, CEO, Planet PDF

If Adobe Acrobat 6 can do it, you can do it too ...

The latest upgrade to Adobe Acrobat includes revolutionary enhancements, and this comprehensive...

SAP Query Reporting
SAP Query Reporting

SAP Query Reporting

is everything an SAP user needs to know to create your own reports in SAP using Query tools, no programming required! Designed as a hands-on learning aid, you will be able to follow along and perform each new skill learned on your own SAP system....

Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst
Using ArcGIS Spatial Analyst
This book is designed ti help you performs spatial analysis by diving you conceptual information and teaching you how to perform tasks to solve yuor spatial problems.
  • assume you are familiar with the fundamentals of GIS and have a basic knowledge of ArcGIS. If  you are new to GIS or ArcMap, you are encouraged to take some...
UNIX Administration:  A Comprehensive Sourcebook for Effective Systems & Network Management
UNIX Administration: A Comprehensive Sourcebook for Effective Systems & Network Management
Unix Administration: A Comprehensive Sourcebook for Effective Systems and Network Management attempts to make UNIX essential and network administrative topics more accessible to a wide audience, including both academic and professional users. The selected book title...
Code Design for Dependable Systems: Theory and Practical Applications
Code Design for Dependable Systems: Theory and Practical Applications
Theoretical and practical tools to master matrix code design strategy and technique

Error correcting and detecting codes are essential to improving system reliability and have popularly been applied to computer systems and communication systems. Coding theory has been studied mainly using the code generator...

MCSE Exam 70-296 Study Guide and DVD Training System
MCSE Exam 70-296 Study Guide and DVD Training System
So you want to be a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer for Windows Server 2003? Not a bad idea.To stay competitive in today’s competitive IT world, you must not only possess the knowledge necessary to do your job, but you must also be able to prove to your employer (or potential employer) that you have the abilities and knowledge.The best...
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