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Principles of Polymerization
Principles of Polymerization
The new edition of a classic text and reference

The large chains of molecules known as polymers are currently used in everything from "wash and wear" clothing to rubber tires to protective enamels and paints. Yet the practical applications of polymers are only increasing; innovations in polymer chemistry constantly bring both...

Managing and Securing a Cisco SWAN
Managing and Securing a Cisco SWAN
Wireless networking is all about freedom. Freedom is a worthy goal in its own right, and freedom in an organizational context pays dividends.

It’s tremendously cool to be able to sit down in an office or conference room, open your portable computer, and have instant connectivity to the resources you need to do your job.With
Visual C++ 6 for Dummies Quick Reference
Visual C++ 6 for Dummies Quick Reference
Get up to speed in Visual C++ in a flash with these instant answers to your programming questions. Visual C++ 6 For Dummies Quick Reference is the fast and friendly way to get the most from your C++ programming for the Windows 95 and Windows 98 environments without having to spend hours on end poring through dense reference books....
Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking
Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking
Master the Art and Science of Matchmoving

Written by a matchmoving expert, this book is much more than a technical primer. It helps you think like a pro so that you can find the right solution for your matchmoves, no matter how tricky. You’ll also find coverage of tasks that commonly go
Hack Proofing Your Ecommerce Site
Hack Proofing Your Ecommerce Site
Hack Proofing Your E-Commerce Site was written in response to requests from readers of our first book, Hack Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft. Many of you asked us for more detail on how to protect e-commerce sites, given the unique risk and exposure such...
African American Millionaires
African American Millionaires
Meet the black Achievers who attained the American Dream--from the early years to modern times

"This wonderful book should be required reading for young people, who will learn how some of the nation’s most successful Black men and women became role models."
--Joyce Ladner, Ph.D.

Robert Sengstacke Abbott

VB.net Developer's Guide
VB.net Developer's Guide
The Complete Guide to Developing Applications with VB.NET

The introduction of VB.NET has sent many Visual Basic gurus back to the drawing board! VB.NET introduces a new set of standards, protocols, and syntax that previous users of Visual Basic will need to learn to regain their guru status and be positioned to create enterprise-critical...

The Design and Implementation of Geographic Information Systems
The Design and Implementation of Geographic Information Systems
We have written this book to help practitioners design and implement multiuser, multiunit GISs to assist in their spatial decision-making.These are called corporate or enterprise GISs.We presume that you know what a GIS is, already have some experience with GIS, and have some ideas about what it can do.We also assume you are interested in improving...
Pro Tools 7 Session Secrets: Professional Recipes for High-Octane Results
Pro Tools 7 Session Secrets: Professional Recipes for High-Octane Results
Studio secrets, techniques, and tips For Pro Tools M-powered, LE, HD, and TDM Power Users!

This practical guide from two certified Pro Tools experts begins where most other Pro Tools books leave off—it's like having a high-level, hands-on studio session with your very own seasoned audio pros! Jump in...

Subspace Methods for System Identification
Subspace Methods for System Identification
System identification provides methods for the sensible approximation of real systems using a model set based on experimental input and output data. Tohru Katayama sets out an in-depth introduction to subspace methods for system identification in discrete-time linear systems thoroughly augmented with advanced and novel results. The text is...
CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator Study Guide (Exam PW0-100)
CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator Study Guide (Exam PW0-100)
One of the fastest-growing certifications on the market, CWNA is rapidly becoming the premier professional wireless certification for network administrators. It is also the foundation-level exam for the complete Certified Wireless Network Professional program. Now you can join the move to Wi-Fi and prepare for your certification with this...
Geeks On Call Windows XP: 5-Minute Fixes
Geeks On Call Windows XP: 5-Minute Fixes
Preventing the dreaded "Windows Fever"

If you've used Windows XP for any length of time, you've probably had at least a mild attack. Symptoms include rising blood pressure, verbal outbursts, and an overpowering urge to pitch your PC off the roof. Geeks On Call has the remedy, and this book is the prescription. In it you'll find the...

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