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Web Data Management
Web Data Management
Existence of huge amounts of data on the Web has developed an undeferring need to locate right information at right time, as well as to integrating information effectively to provide a comprehensive source of relevant information. There is a need to develop efficient tools for analyzing and managing Web data, and efficiently managing Web...
Database Design Manual: using MySQL for Windows
Database Design Manual: using MySQL for Windows
There are many books out there that describe MySQL and PHP.While most of them devote a lot of space to describing PHP, they only briefly describe MySQL. I wanted to write a book that was different from this, in that I wanted a book that described MySQL from a web perspective with only passing references to PHP. This is that book.

Skype Me!: From Single User to Small Enterprise and Beyond
Skype Me!: From Single User to Small Enterprise and Beyond
You are going to love Skype Me! From Single User to Small Enterprise and Beyond. Here’s why: Michael Gough knows his stuff. Michael has also completed a remarkably difficult project around a remarkably cool product, Skype.

Michael is a busy guy. I have no idea where he found time to write a
Traffic Grooming in Optical WDM Mesh Networks
Traffic Grooming in Optical WDM Mesh Networks
Traffic Grooming in Optical WDM Mesh Networks captures the state-of-the-art in the design and analysis of network architectures, protocols, and algorithms for implementing efficient traffic grooming in optical WDM mesh networks. Key topics include: - Static traffic grooming - Dynamic traffic grooming - Grooming models and policies - Grooming node...
History of Nordic Computing
History of Nordic Computing
This book is dedicated to the men and women who seek to preserve the legacy of the computing profession, particularly those from the Nordic ...
Resource Allocation in Project Management
Resource Allocation in Project Management
The book is devoted to structural issues, algorithms, and applications of resource allocation problems in project management. Special emphasis is given to a unifying framework within which a large variety of project scheduling problems can be treated. Those problems involve general temporal constraints among project activities, different types of...
Handbook of Nature-Inspired and Innovative Computing: Integrating Classical Models with Emerging Technologies
Handbook of Nature-Inspired and Innovative Computing: Integrating Classical Models with Emerging Technologies

As computing devices proliferate, demand increases for an understanding of emerging computing paradigms and models based on natural phenomena. Neural networks, evolution-based models, quantum computing, and DNA-based computing and simulations are all a necessary part of modern computing analysis and systems development. Vast literature exists on...

Grid Computing
Grid Computing

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Second European AcrossGrid Conference, AxGrids 2004, held in Nicosia, Cyprus in January 2004.

The 27 revised full papers and 4 revised short papers presented were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement from 57 submissions. The papers address...

A Platform-Centric Approach to System-on-Chip (SOC) Design
A Platform-Centric Approach to System-on-Chip (SOC) Design
The platform-centric SoC method is aimed at the design of today’s SoC systems with emphasis on real-time, embedded systems. The approach provides a guideline and an SoC design environment that promotes an integration of state-of-the-art tools and techniques necessary for the development of the systems. It renders a new and better perspective...
Show Me QuickBooks 2004
Show Me QuickBooks 2004

Show Me QuickBooks helps readers learn visually how to perform tasks using the leading accounting software for small businesses. They are able to find answers to their questions quickly and visually with this user-friendly method of training. Each task includes a screen-by-screen visual accompanied by a concise text description that...

Solaris 9 System Administrator Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 310-014, Exam Cram 310-015)
Solaris 9 System Administrator Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 310-014, Exam Cram 310-015)

The perfect study companion for UNIX system professionals preparing for both Solaris 9 System Administrator exams (CX-310-014 and CX-310-015)! The book contains accurate and efficient coverage of the many new features of the Solaris 9 system. This book is not intended to teach new material. Instead it assumes that you have a solid foundation of...

Field-Based Coordination for Pervasive Multiagent Systems
Field-Based Coordination for Pervasive Multiagent Systems
More and more, software systems involve autonomous and distributed software components that have to execute and interact in open and dynamic environments, such as in pervasive, autonomous, and mobile applications. The requirements with respect to dynamics, openness, scalability, and decentralization call for new approaches to software design and...
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