 Mastering Maya Complete 2This book will get you acquainted with Maya Complete Version 2. When we started work on Maya in 1995, after the merger of Alias and Wavefront, we wanted to deliver a software system that would change the way computer animation was created by challenging established ways of workingeven those we pioneered ourselves. In Version 1, we set our goals... |  |  Microsoft SQL Server 2000Relationale Datenbanksysteme sind in den letzten Jahren mit Abstand die wichtigsten Datenbanksysteme geworden, die in der Praxis angewendet werden. Die Gründe dafür sind mannigfaltig: die hohe Portierbarkeit der Anwendungen, die Verwendung der Standarddatenbanksprache SQL usw. Eines der herausragendsten relationalen Datenbanksysteme... |  |  |
 Managing Contacts with ACT! 2005With ACT! 2005, you?ve already purchased the most comprehensive contact management software available. Now you?ve found the perfect resource to ensure that you get the most out of your investment! "Managing Contacts with ACT! 2005" is a one-of-a-kind guide to successful contact management. By working through several hands-on tasks, you?ll... |  |  Adobe Photoshop CS2 RevealedGet ready to explore all that Photoshop CS2 has to offer! Giving you a firm foundation, "Adobe Photoshop CS2 Revealed" allows you to master concepts on both a technical and artistic level. Begin by examining the concept behind each task?the goal and the necessary features that are involved. Then go in-depth with the objective of your task... |  |  Teach Yourself Perl 5 in 21 DaysTeach Yourself Perl in 21 Days will cover the basics in the first few chapters, and then move to practical uses of Perl and in-depth discussions of more advanced topics. Later chapters will also delve into software engineering topics, with discussions of modular code and object-oriented programming. CGI will be covered in one chapter, but will not... |
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