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Cases on Information Technology: Lessons Learned
Cases on Information Technology: Lessons Learned
This volume is the latest addition to the Cases on Information Technology Series, a series which provides a collection of case studies focusing on IT implementation in organizations. The cases included in Cases on Information Technology: Lessons Learned, Volume 7 cover a variety of IT initiatives, including enterprise systems, wireless...
Floating Gate Devices: Operation and Compact Modeling
Floating Gate Devices: Operation and Compact Modeling
The goal of this book is twofold. First, it explains the principles and physical mechanisms of Floating Gate device operations. Second, starting from a general overview on Compact Modeling issues, it illustrates features and details of a complete Compact Model of a Floating Gate device, the building block of Flash Memories, one of the...
Data and Applications Security XVII: Status and Prospects
Data and Applications Security XVII: Status and Prospects
Security and privacy are paramount concerns in information processing systems, which are vital to business, government and military operations and, indeed, society itself. Meanwhile, the expansion of the Internet and its convergence with telecommunication networks are providing incredible connectivity, myriad applications and, of course, new...
Linux+ Certification Bible
Linux+ Certification Bible
The only guide you need for Linux+ exam success… You're holding in your hands the most comprehensive and effective guide available for the CompTIA Linux+ exam. Trevor Kay delivers incisive, crystal-clear explanations of every Linux+ topic, highlighting exam-critical concepts and offering hands-on tips that can help you in your real-world...
Assessing the Value of E-learning Systems
Assessing the Value of E-learning Systems
Assessing the Value of E-Learning Systems provides an extensive literature review pulling theories from the field of information systems, psychology and cognitive sciences, distance and online learning, as well as marketing and decision sciences. This book provides empirical evidence for the power of measuring value in the context of e-learning...
Digitally Assisted Pipeline ADCs
Digitally Assisted Pipeline ADCs
Digitally Assisted Pipeline ADCs: Theory and Implementation explores the opportunity to reduce ADC power dissipation by leveraging digital signal processing capabilities in fine line integrated circuit technology. The described digitally assisted pipelined ADC uses a statistics-based system identification technique as an enabling...
Microsoft SQL Server Black Book
Microsoft SQL Server Black Book
Welcome to the world of Microsoft SQL Server! Here is finally a client/server database product that can deliver world-class performance at a price that most enterprises can afford not only to purchase, but also to support. SQL Server’s ease of use, coupled with the incredible feature set that accompanies it, delivers enterprise-level...
Advanced Topics In End User Computing
Advanced Topics In End User Computing
This scholarly book is a collection of some of the best manuscripts published in the Journal of Organizational and End User Computing. This introduction is mainly a collection of abstracts provided by the authors for their manuscripts. The book is divided into three segments: Section I, which covers...
Encyclopedia Of Database Technologies And Applications
Encyclopedia Of Database Technologies And Applications
There are a myriad of new directions in which databases are growing, presenting new and exciting challenges that promise flux in the whole society, because of the impact and changes the database systems have provoked almost everywhere in modern life. This ranges from the way the organizations operate and make their business decisions, to the use of...
Oracle PL/SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference
Oracle PL/SQL Built-ins Pocket Reference
This pocket reference provides quick-reference information that will help you use Oracle Corporation's extensive set of built-in functions and packages, including those new to Oracle8.

Oracle's PL/SQL language is a programming language providing procedural extensions to the SQL relational database language and to an ever-growing number of...

Information Systems for Sustainable Development
Information Systems for Sustainable Development
Information Systems for Sustainable Development provides a survey on approaches to information systems supporting sustainable development in the private or public sector. It also documents and encourages the first steps of environmental information processing towards this more comprehensive goal.

About the
Advanced Topics in Database Research, Vol. 3
Advanced Topics in Database Research, Vol. 3
The book presents the latest research ideas and topics on how to enhance current database systems, improve information storage, refine existing database models, and develop advanced applications. It provides insights into important developments in the field of database and database management. With emphasis on theoretical issues regarding databases...
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