 Modernity and TechnologyReview "An interesting and well-integrated collection..." -- Peter Beech, First Monday
Reconstruction (2004 4#2) Modernity and Technology succeeds in opening up a much needed dialog, and in inspiring curiosity for scholars on both sides.
... |  |  Handbook of Research on Mobile MultimediaThe demand for mobile access to data no matter where the data is stored and where the user happens to be, in addition to the explosive growth of the Internet and the rising popularity of mobile devices, are among the factors that have created a dynamic business environment, where companies are competing to provide customers access to information... |  |  Fundamentals of X Programming: Graphical User Interfaces and BeyondThis book provides an overview of the X Window System focusing on characteristics that have significant impact on the development of both application programs and widgets. We pay special attention to applications that go beyond graphical user interfaces (GUIs); therefore we discuss issues affecting video games, visualization and imaging programs,... |
 Hacking del.icio.usI wrote this book with tinkerers in mind—that is to say, tinkerers of various levels of familiarity with del.icio.us in particular and Web development skill in general.Whether you’re just getting on your way to being a power user at del.icio.us, or whether you’re a hardcore Web development guru who’s running your own... |  |  Introduction to Focused Ion Beams: Instrumentation, Theory, Techniques and PracticeThe focused ion beam (FIB) instrument has experienced an intensive period of maturation since its inception. Numerous new techniques and applications have been brought to fruition by the tireless efforts of some very innovative scientists with the foresight to recognize the potential of this upstart apparatus. Over the past few years, the FIB has... |  |  Reason 3 Ignite!"Reason 3 Ignite!", written for both PC and Mac platforms, is the perfect companion if you're just starting out with this software. Topics are easy to find with the detailed table of contents and the complete, well-organized index. This book, presented in an easy-to-understand manner with step-by-step instructions and many screenshots,... |
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