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With the advent of nanometer technologies, circuit performance constraints are becoming ever more stringent. In this context, automated timing analysis and optimization becomes imperative for the design of high-performance circuits that must satisfy a demanding set of constraints. Timing overviews the state of the art in timing...
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2005 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit
Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2005 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit

Looking to break into C# programming? Sams Teach Yourself Visual C# 2005 in 24 Hours, Complete Starter Kit is a valuable resource. You will start by learning the basics of the Visual C# environment and begin to build working programs very quickly. As the programs become more complex, you will...

Upgrading and Repairing Networks (5th Edition)
Upgrading and Repairing Networks (5th Edition)

Even if you aren't a networking professional, Upgrading and Repairing Networks explains those tough networking concepts in a way that won't make you reach for a bottle of aspirin, starting with the fundamentals and working through more advanced concepts. Now in its fourth edition, this industry classic networking reference gives you real world,...

Constructing Measures: An Item Response Modeling Approach
Constructing Measures: An Item Response Modeling Approach
Constructing Measures introduces a way to understand the advantages and disadvantages of measurement instruments, how to use such instruments, and how to apply these methods to develop new instruments or adapt old ones. The book is organized around the steps taken while constructing an instrument. It opens with a summary of the...
Assessing Children's Well-Being: A Handbook of Measures
Assessing Children's Well-Being: A Handbook of Measures
The emphasis on collaborative management of children's health has led to the involvement of multiple disciplines in pediatric health care. This shift has resulted in an increasing focus on the assessment of children's functioning across multiple domains. The Task Force on Pediatric Education (1978) noted several decades ago that the types of...
Biz-War and the Out-of-Power Elite: The Progressive-Left Attack on the Corporation
Biz-War and the Out-of-Power Elite: The Progressive-Left Attack on the Corporation
It is the argument of this book that the contemporary Progressive movement in the United States, designed to replace the Liberalism whose demise was the object and accomplishment of the Reagan Revolution, is the product of a series of strategic experiments and decisions by activists in organized labor, in the environmental and human rights...
Dialogue with Bakhtin on Second and Foreign Language Learning: New Perspectives
Dialogue with Bakhtin on Second and Foreign Language Learning: New Perspectives
This volume is the first to explore links between the Russian linguist Mikhail Bakhtin's theoretical insights about language and practical concerns with second and foreign language learning and teaching. Situated within a strong conceptual framework and drawing from a rich empirical base, it reflects recent scholarship in applied linguistics that...
Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL
Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL
Design and Analysis of High Efficiency Line Drivers for xDSL covers the most important building block of an xDSL (ADSL, VDSL, ...) system: the line driver. Traditional Class AB line drivers consume more than 70% of the total power budget of state-of-the-art ADSL modems. This book describes the main difficulties in designing line drivers for xDSL....
Foundations for Research: Methods of Inquiry in Education and the Social Sciences
Foundations for Research: Methods of Inquiry in Education and the Social Sciences
This text is designed for use in introductory research courses in the professional fields and social sciences. The major goal of the book is to acquaint students and beginning researchers with a broad view of research methodologies, as well as an
understanding of the assumptions that inform each of these approaches. Because the book presents
The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks: Second Edition
The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks: Second Edition
Dramatically updating and extending the first edition, published in 1995, the second edition of The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks presents the enormous progress made in recent years in the many subfields related to the two great questions: How does the brain work? and, How can we build intelligent machines?

Critical Social Issues in American Education: Democracy and Meaning in a Globalizing World
Critical Social Issues in American Education: Democracy and Meaning in a Globalizing World
This volume, like the editions that preceded it, is predicated on the following assumption: Educators must see their work as inextricably linked to conflicts, stresses, and crises of the social world—whether these appear in forms that might be cultural, moral, political, economic, ecological, or spiritual. It is impossible to make sense of...
Multimedia and Virtual Reality: Designing Multisensory User Interfaces
Multimedia and Virtual Reality: Designing Multisensory User Interfaces
The title of this book owes more than it should to marketing. Multimedia and virtual reality (VR) are media-friendly terms that may have caught your eye, so if you are browsing the preface before deciding whether to buy this book, here is my explanation of its motivation and contents. It is primarily a summary of the research I have done over 10...
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