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Base SAS Guide to Information Maps
Base SAS Guide to Information Maps
A SAS Information Map is business metadata about your data. Information maps are user-friendly metadata definitions of data sources and enable your business users to query data in order to meet specific business needs. Metadata is information about the structure and...
Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Automotive Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
This book is an introduction to the subject of EMC for automotive engineers, test engineers and technicians. Its focus is on the practical use and application of EMC concepts. Contents include basic concepts, such as power and signal integrity, antennas and transmission lines, active and passive components, testing, cabling, signal and power...
OCA: Oracle Application Server 10g Administration I Study Guide (Exam 1Z0-311)
OCA: Oracle Application Server 10g Administration I Study Guide (Exam 1Z0-311)
Here's the book you need to prepare for the Oracle Application Server 10g Administration I exam (#1Z0-311) and certification as an Oracle Certified Administrator. The leading reference on Oracle's new certification track, this comprehensive book includes: 
  • Practical information on installing and configuring Oracle Application...
C++: The Complete Reference
C++: The Complete Reference
Schildt's Classic C++Reference - Now Updated to include the new features of the C++Standard.

The International Standard for C++ added many new libraries, keywords, and features to C++ -- Learn about them all in this completely revised and updated Third Edition of Herb Schildt's outstanding classic. In carefully organized chapters, you'll find...

Getting Started With SAS Enterprise Miner 5.2
Getting Started With SAS Enterprise Miner 5.2
SAS defines data mining as the process of uncovering hidden patterns in large amounts of data. Many industries use data mining to address business problems and opportunities such as fraud detection, risk and affinity analyses, database marketing, householding, customer churn, bankruptcy prediction, and...
Cyber Spying: Tracking Your Family's (Sometimes) Secret Online Lives
Cyber Spying: Tracking Your Family's (Sometimes) Secret Online Lives
Uncover the Threats Lurking in the Darkness of Your Family's Computer

Many people have no idea of the evils that exist across the Internet or the danger that can result from simply answering an innocent-sounding e-mail or participating in a chat. Your loved ones could unknowingly be putting themselves in grave risk. By using...

Photoshop CS2 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
Photoshop CS2 All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies
9 books in 1 — your key to fantastic Photoshop results!

Your one-stop, full-color guide to image editing success

Photoshop has become the industry standard because it's really that good. But it's also that big. Dividing all that information into nine handy minibooks lets you find what you want when you want it —...

Cubase SX 3 Ignite!
Cubase SX 3 Ignite!
Get ready to understand, use, and explore the world of music sequencing with this one-stop guide to Cubase SX 3. This introductory book provides you with a solid foundation of Steinberg?s powerful digital music production software. With "Cubase SX 3 Ignite!", you?ll examine the many different tools Cubase has to offer. Screenshots and...
Organization Design: The Collaborative Approach
Organization Design: The Collaborative Approach
Naomi Stanford has produced the consummate guidebook for human resource professionals who are charged with shepherding a complex organization design project through to completion. It is full of useful tools to help manage the tricky but often overlooked softer aspects of organization change programs, such as communication plans, expectation...
Adventures in Criminology
Adventures in Criminology
[The book] is one of great distinction, scholarship and wit. ...a pleasure to read and which, itself, is a primary source of evidence from which much can be learnt.
Punishment and Society

Sir Leon Radzinowicz is one of the key figures in the development of criminology in the twentieth century....

The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual
The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual

The authors have done an outstanding job with this UML book. The definitions of the terms are the best I have seen. The organization and material in the encyclopedia are fantastic!

--Perry Cole, MCIWorldCom

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) has rapidly become the standard notation for modeling...

Introduction to SQL: Mastering the Relational Database Language (4th Edition)
Introduction to SQL: Mastering the Relational Database Language (4th Edition)

The Classic SQL Tutorial: Fully Updated for Today's Standards and Today's Top Databases

For twenty years, van der Lans' Introduction to SQL has been the definitive SQL tutorial for database professionals everywhere, regardless of...

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