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Mobile Services in the Networked Economy
Mobile Services in the Networked Economy
The mobile services industry is going through a major transformation, which challenges many of the basic assumptions behind the existing business models. As the business paradigm shifts from voice-centric to data-centric mobile services, the ways of analyzing the industry need to evolve as well.

Mobile Services in the Networked Economy provides...

Current Issues in School Leadership
Current Issues in School Leadership
What is an "issue"? An issue derives from tension, or cognitive dissonance. Research or law may be reasonably clear on something but different collections of people—a community, a pressure group, political blocs, academicians—take a position contrary to the research or current practice. Or, there may be insufficient research...
Managing Successful IT Outsourcing Relationships
Managing Successful IT Outsourcing Relationships
Even though the IT outsourcing market has grown tremendously over the past years, many organizations do not have a reflective understanding of the complex process of IT outsourcing. The process does affect both technological and business goals and activities, and companies must establish both strategies and structures adjusted to their degree of...
Integrated Approach to Web Performance Testing: A Practitioner's Guide
Integrated Approach to Web Performance Testing: A Practitioner's Guide
The performance testing of Web applications is not understood properly and no skill sets are available to address the challenges faced by practitioners. In addition, there is currently a lack of available research on the performance aspects of the application.

Integrated Approach to Web Performance Testing: A Practitioner's Guide fills this...

Internet Strategy: The Road to Web Services Solutions
Internet Strategy: The Road to Web Services Solutions
Internet Strategy: The Road to Web Services Solutions reminds readers that several attempts have been made to convince the world that DOT.COM was developed to take over businesses, and the traditional way of creating businesses and running organizations would be condemned to the past. One of those attempts led to the Application Service Provision...
Online News and the Public
Online News and the Public
This volume offers unique and timely insights on the state of online news, exploring the issues surrounding this convergence of print and electronic platforms, and the public's response to it. It provides an overview of online newspapers, including current trends and legal issues and covering issues of credibility and perceptions by online news...
Instructional Technologies: Cognitive Aspects of Online Programs
Instructional Technologies: Cognitive Aspects of Online Programs
Instructional Technologies: Cognitive Aspects of Online Programs provides insight into creating and utilizing successful online educational technologies and programs. Discussing the generalities of Web-based education and the specific technology applications and organizational support necessary to sustaining these programs, this important book will...
Expert VB 2005 Business Objects, Second Edition
Expert VB 2005 Business Objects, Second Edition
This book is about application architecture, design, and development in .NET using objectoriented
concepts. The focus is on business-focused objects called business objects, and how to
implement them to work in various distributed environments, including web and client/server
configurations. The book makes use of a great many .NET
SCJP Exam for J2SE 5: A Concise and Comprehensive Study Guide for The Sun Certified Java Programmer Exam
SCJP Exam for J2SE 5: A Concise and Comprehensive Study Guide for The Sun Certified Java Programmer Exam
This book is primarily targeted at the Java programmers and students who want to prepare for the
SCJP certification exam for Java 5, CX-310-055, or the update exam, CX-310-056. Since the book has a
laser-sharp focus on the exam objectives, expert Java programmers who want to pass the exam can
use this book to ensure that they do not
SAS Guide to Report Writing: Examples
SAS Guide to Report Writing: Examples
Sue Hakomaki Academic & Distributed Computing Services Office of Information Technology University of Minnesota
I found this book very user-friendly with simple examples to more detailed examples. Each featured option is explained clearly.

Jump-start your report-writing skills! Report writing has never
Contemporary Issues in Ethics and Information Technology
Contemporary Issues in Ethics and Information Technology
Information technology has produced new ethical challenges and concerns in dealing with issues about privacy, security, piracy and professional ethics. Contemporary Issues in Ethics and Information Technology discusses these issues as well as other important ethical issues such as the outsourcing of high-level jobs and the value of IT itself. The...
Harnessing Knowledge Dynamics: Principled Organizational Knowing & Learning
Harnessing Knowledge Dynamics: Principled Organizational Knowing & Learning
Harnessing Knowledge Dynamics: Principled Organizational Knowing & Learning translates what is arcane and controversial today into managerial guidance that is sophisticated yet practical. It also complements the many existing management books on strategy, technology, knowledge and systems while...
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