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Engineering and Technology Management Tools and Applications
Engineering and Technology Management Tools and Applications
Today engineering and technology have become important factors in global
competitiveness. Under a fierce competitive environment, engineering and
technology managers are forced to achieve marketable results by focusing on
areas such as speed, quality, and cost. This can only be achieved through
effective planning, organization,
The Definitive Guide to SQLite
The Definitive Guide to SQLite
SQLite is an open source embedded relational database. Originally released in 2000, it was
designed to provide a convenient way for applications to manage data without the overhead
that often comes with dedicated relational database management systems. SQLite has a reputation
for being highly portable, easy to use, compact,
Building Reliable Component-Based Software Systems
Building Reliable Component-Based Software Systems
This is a book about component-based software engineering (CBSE). CBSE
is the emerging discipline of the development of software components and the
development of systems incorporating such components. Component-based
systems are built by assembling components developed independently of the
systems. To assemble components, a
Programming Embedded Systems: With C and GNU Development Tools
Programming Embedded Systems: With C and GNU Development Tools

If you have programming experience and a familiarity with C--the dominant language in embedded systems--Programming Embedded Systems, Second Edition is exactly what you need to get started with embedded software. This software is ubiquitous, hidden away inside our watches, DVD players, mobile...

Microsoft  Windows  Small Business Server 2003 R2 Administrator's Companion
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 Administrator's Companion
Get comprehensive information to deploy, manage, and troubleshoot Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 for messaging and collaboration, Internet access, database storage, printing, faxing, support for line-of-business applications, and end-to-end network administration.

The first time you noticed Microsoft...

The Power of Strategy Innovation: A New Way of Linking Creativity and Strategic Planning to Discover Great Business Opportunities
The Power of Strategy Innovation: A New Way of Linking Creativity and Strategic Planning to Discover Great Business Opportunities
We want you to use this book. Nothing would please us more than
knowing that leading-edge companies around the world are developing
their own Discovery processes for the pursuit of strategy innovation.

Strategy innovation is not a fad. It is not the latest managementprogram-
of-the-month. It is a process of exploring your
CCSP CSI Exam Certification Guide (CCSP Self-Study, 642-541)
CCSP CSI Exam Certification Guide (CCSP Self-Study, 642-541)
The Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP) certification is the newest midlevel certification
from Cisco Systems. This certification is on a par with CCNP and CCDP. The aim of this
certification is to provide professional-level recognition to network engineers in the design and
implementation of Cisco secure networks. This
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 A - Z: Tools and features illustrated ready reference
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0 A - Z: Tools and features illustrated ready reference
Now in its third release Photoshop Elements has developed into a sophisticated and complete photo-editing and now,
with the new features in this release, photo-management program.

It seems that the software’s popularity grows almost as quickly as its impressive list of editing and enhancement
features. More and more
Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East
Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East
Part I: Analysis 1. The Interaction between Religion and Culture in Peace and Conflict 2. Family Myths and Cultural Conflict 3. Political and Mythic Interdependencies 4. Patterns of Abrahamic Incrimination 5. Conflict, Injury, and Transformation Part II: Practical Applications 6. Patterns of Abrahamic Reconciliation: Act, Ritual, and Symbol as...
Guerrilla Travel Tactics: Hundreds of Simple Strategies Guaranteed to Save Road Warriors Time and Money
Guerrilla Travel Tactics: Hundreds of Simple Strategies Guaranteed to Save Road Warriors Time and Money
" This book has given me countless ideas for making my next trip easier and less expensive."

Guerrilla Travel Tactics is the most comprehensive book ever written on finding travel bargains. It will help any business traveler survive the rigors of the road, optimize logistics, and get the most for every
Macs For Dummies
Macs For Dummies

Take an online Safari, see who you're iChatting with, or pack a Mac laptop

Simply Mac-nificent — all the cool things your new Mac can do! This handy guide helps you make the most of every model. Find out how to use all the cool software that's included, start a GarageBand,...

ACT! 2007 For Dummies
ACT! 2007 For Dummies

Manage your contacts, communicate, synchronize ACT! with Outlook, and more

You have a business or organization to run. ACT! is designed to make that easier, and this book helps you get your ACT! together. Here's how to set up...

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