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PC Magazine Digital SLR Photography Solutions
PC Magazine Digital SLR Photography Solutions

If you want to use your Digital SLR camera like a pro, let a pro (or two) show you how! Sally Wiener Grotta and Daniel Grotta have been covering the world of digital photography since 1991, and this book is like a private course in DSLR mastery. From understanding the parts of your camera to using the controls effectively to shooting stunning,...

Hacking the PSP: Cool Hacks, Mods, and Customizations for the Sony Playstation Portable
Hacking the PSP: Cool Hacks, Mods, and Customizations for the Sony Playstation Portable
You hold in your hand the Holy Grail for PSP aficionados—300 pages of ways to have even more fun with that little handheld powerhouse than the manufacturer intended. Use it as a hard drive. Surf the Web wirelessly. Play your own movies in the palm of your hand. Build your own battery pack. Run homebrew apps. And we're just getting started....
Modeling Derivatives in C++
Modeling Derivatives in C++

This book is the definitive and most comprehensive guide to modeling derivatives in C++ today. Providing readers with not only the theory and math behind the models, as well as the fundamental concepts of financial engineering, but also actual robust object-oriented C++ code, this is a practical introduction to the most important derivative...

Winternals: Defragmentation, Recovery, and Administration Field Guide
Winternals: Defragmentation, Recovery, and Administration Field Guide

Winternals first came to my rescue in November of 1999. It was then that I purchased my Winternals Administrator's Pak. It contained BlueSave Version 1.01, ERD Commander Professional Version 1.06, Monitoring Tools (Filemon and Regmon) Enterprise Editions Version 1.0, NTFSDOS Professional Version 3.03, NTRecover Version 1.0, and Remote Recover...

3ds Max 8 Bible
3ds Max 8 Bible
If 3ds Max 8 can do it, you can do it too ... 

Spark your creativity with the world's most popular animation software and the detailed instruction in this power-packed book from an industry expert. If you're new to 3ds Max, jump right in with a Quick Start program that will have you modeling and rendering a complete image your first day....

Introduction to Physical Polymer Science
Introduction to Physical Polymer Science
An Updated Edition of the Classic Text

Polymers constitute the basis for the plastics, rubber, adhesives, fiber, and coating industries. The Fourth Edition of Introduction to Physical Polymer Science acknowledges the industrial success of polymers and the advancements made in the field while continuing to deliver the...

Solaris 8 System Administrator Exam Cram (Exam: 310-011, 310-012)
Solaris 8 System Administrator Exam Cram (Exam: 310-011, 310-012)
The perfect study companion for UNIX system professionals preparing for both Solaris 8 System Administrator exams. The book contains accurate and efficient coverage of the many new features of the Solaris 8 system including new support for Ipv6, LDAP, and DHCP, installs using Solaris Web Start, new Universal Disk Format (UDF) file system support,...
Beginning Perl Web Development: From Novice to Professional
Beginning Perl Web Development: From Novice to Professional

Beginning Perl Web Development: From Novice to Professional introduces you to the world of Perl Internet application development. This book tackles all areas crucial to developing your first web applications and includes a powerful combination of real-world examples coupled with advice. Topics range from serving and consuming RSS feeds,...

Cisco AVVID and IP Telephony Design and Implementation
Cisco AVVID and IP Telephony Design and Implementation
Cisco AVVID Design and Implementation is a complete reference for network administrators and engineers responsible for a complicated AVVID network. This book covers history, protocols, hardware, servers, switches, bridges, and routers, and discusses implementation issues, realities of cost, requirements, and network limitations. Engineers will...
Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET
Object-Oriented Programming with Visual Basic .NET

This book is not a reference. That needs to be said right off the bat. It was written to be read cover to cover; it tells a story. It's an interwoven tale about object-oriented programming in the .NET world: building objects, moving them, and using them around the world. This is not just a how-to book; it's a why-to and a when-to...

Beginning Database Design (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Beginning Database Design (Wrox Beginning Guides)
Database design involves how to best structure the tables and queries that are used with databases in order to provide optimum performance, storage, manageability, and flexibility. With relational databases, you can use those tables to organize your data and retrieve information from your database. This book provides you with an easy-to-understand...
Practical .NET for Financial Markets
Practical .NET for Financial Markets
Practical .NET for Financial Markets was born because we were convinced no focused literature
existed for people involved in application/product development in financial markets using .NET.
Although a lot of .NET-related material is available, most often it is not relevant for developers in
the finance domain. The finance domain
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