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24P: Make Your Digital Movies Look Like Hollywood
24P: Make Your Digital Movies Look Like Hollywood
The digital video mode 24p captures imagery more nearly the way motion picture cameras do. It opens up a world of possibilities for digital filmmakers. But aspiring to 'film-look video' involves more than just flipping a switch on your camera. The authors share the secrets of Hollywood-style production so you can give your movie a truly polished,...
Statistics for Research (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Statistics for Research (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Praise for the Second Edition

"Statistics for Research has other fine qualities besides superior organization. The examples and the statistical methods are laid out with unusual clarity by the simple device of using special formats for each. The book was written with great care and is extremely user-friendly."—The...

Queueing Networks and Markov Chains: Modeling and Performance Evaluation with Computer Science Applications
Queueing Networks and Markov Chains: Modeling and Performance Evaluation with Computer Science Applications
Critically acclaimed text for computer performance analysis—now in its second edition

The Second Edition of this now-classic text provides a current and thorough treatment of queueing systems, queueing networks, continuous and discrete-time Markov chains, and simulation. Thoroughly updated with...

Applications of Information Systems to Homeland Security And Defense
Applications of Information Systems to Homeland Security And Defense
A range of threats in the areas of safety and security, from natural disasters to terrorism to conventional warfare, involve complex interactions that are beyond the scope and capabilities of traditional problem solving techniques. Applications of Information Systems to Homeland Security and Defense provides an overview of complex systems’...
iMovie 3 Fast & Easy
iMovie 3 Fast & Easy
So, you wanna be in pictures? Home-movie Hitchcock wannabes have a simple and exciting desktop video-editing tool: Apple’s iMovie 3. iMovie 3 is the perfect tool for turning those long, boring home videos into interesting, polished productions that your family and friends will enjoy. Let’s face it, without video-editing software to...
Multimedia Security Handbook
Multimedia Security Handbook
Intellectual property owners who exploit new ways of reproducing, distributing, and marketing their creations digitally must also protect them from piracy. The Multimedia Security Handbook addresses issues related to protecting digital media. It begins by introducing security fundamentals and discussing the vulnerabilities of individual protection...
Visual Basic for Applications Unleashed
Visual Basic for Applications Unleashed
Other Office products were slowly brought into the VBA fold, but it’s only with the release of Office 97 that Microsoft has finally achieved its goal. Now all of the Big Four—Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint—have a VBA development environment at their core. Not only that, but just about ...
Discrimination at Work: The Psychological and Organizational Bases
Discrimination at Work: The Psychological and Organizational Bases
This volume brings together top scholars in industrial and organizational psychology with social psychologists to explore the research and theory relating to various areas of workplace discrimination. Many of the contributors to this book participated in a conference on workplace discrimination held at Rice University in May 2000. The idea came...
Fundamentals of Electrochemistry
Fundamentals of Electrochemistry
A cogent and useful introduction to thetheory and application of electrochemistry

A significantly revised and improved edition of a noted text, this Second Edition of Fundamentals of Electrochemistry is designed to serve both professionals and novices with the essential information they require to understand and apply electrochemical processes....

Server+ Certification  Exam Cram 2
Server+ Certification Exam Cram 2

Server+ Exam Cram 2 is an efficient, effective and concise guide that gives you exactly what you need to know to pass the Server+ exam. Organized according to exam objectives, you will be able to quickly and easily assess your understanding of key exam topics. Some of the topics covered are:

  • General Server Hardware...
Developing Enterprise Applications - An Impurist's View
Developing Enterprise Applications - An Impurist's View
Developing Enterprise Applications using Using VB6, MTS, SQLServer and IIS- An Impurist's View shows software architects, developers and managers how to apply both common and lesser known patterns and framework components to create flexible, global enterprise applications using Microsoft's tools and technologies. Along the way, you will see hints,...
Configuring Cisco AVVID: Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data
Configuring Cisco AVVID: Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data
AVVID (Architecture for Voice, Video, and Integrated Data) is a network architecture made up of hardware and software that transmits a company’s data such as e-mail, web traffic, file transfers, voice traffic, and video traffic over the same physical computer network. Imagine taking the three networks your...
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