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Exploratory Analysis and Data Modeling in Functional Neuroimaging
Exploratory Analysis and Data Modeling in Functional Neuroimaging
"All of the papers are well presented and accompanied by illustrative experimental applications. The book coverage goes beyond standard methodologies in functional neuroimaging and amounts to a highly valuable contribution to the field."
 -- Alfonso Nieto-Castanon, Neural Networks 18 (2005) 307-308

Quicken 2006 QuickSteps
Quicken 2006 QuickSteps

Learn instantly from step-by-step graphics!

We know a picture is worth a thousand words--so we went heavy on pictures and light on words in this easy-to-use guide. Color screenshots and brief instructions show you how to use all the powerful features of Quicken 2006 in no time. Follow along and learn to balance checkbooks, pay bills,...

How to Do Everything with Your Smartphone
How to Do Everything with Your Smartphone

Kick off your shoes and let How to Do Everything with Smartphone show you the essentials of operation, plus enough Windows mobile add-ons and customization tricks to make you want to 86 your other communications devices. Combine cutting edge PDA technology with wireless communication and use scheduling software, finance and text...

Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems
Adaptable and Adaptive Hypermedia Systems
Hypermedia systems may be one of the most significant contributions to the Internet in recent years. This powerful new technology has revolutionized the delivery of e-content through the Internet. However, as the needs of users have changed, the hypermedia systems...
Kids' Slips: What Young Children's Slips of the Tongue Reveal About Language Development
Kids' Slips: What Young Children's Slips of the Tongue Reveal About Language Development
The study of speech errors, or "slips of the tongue," is a time-honored methodology which serves as a window to the representation and processing of language and has proven to be the most reliable source of data for building theories of speech production planning. However, until Kids' Slips, there has never been a corpus of such...
Project Sponsorship: Achieving Management Commitment for Project Success
Project Sponsorship: Achieving Management Commitment for Project Success
Praise for Project Sponsorship

"Project Sponsorship addresses vital ingredients that resonate with my recipe for project success—identifying the right people to sponsor projects, taking care of them, describing how to create an environment that leads to excellence in project sponsorship, and...

Project Management for Modern Information Systems
Project Management for Modern Information Systems
In the past, project success has been defined too narrowly as simply meeting time and cost constraints for a given scope of work. However, in order for an IT project to be completely successful that basic definition of success needs to be extended to include meeting return on investment expectations, product quality, stakeholder satisfaction,...
Requirements Engineering for Sociotechnical Systems
Requirements Engineering for Sociotechnical Systems
"The Information Society" that we live in today is largely driven by the products and services that either contain software as a core element, or are themselves software. At the very least, it is likely that most of those same products and services were manufactured with the help of some type of sophisticated software applications....
E-health Systems Diffusion And Use: The Innovation, the User And the Use It Model
E-health Systems Diffusion And Use: The Innovation, the User And the Use It Model
E-Health Systems Diffusion and Use: The Innovation, the User and the Use IT Model offers an overview of the use and diffusion of information systems in the health care sector with particular attention to the role of the user. This book starts with classic contributions and modifications and then continues with contemporary contributions, which...
Real Web Project Management: Case Studies and Best Practices from the Trenches
Real Web Project Management: Case Studies and Best Practices from the Trenches

The process of designing and building today's dynamic Web applications comes with a host of challenges not typically solved by traditional project management methodologies. A wealth of practical resources, Real Web Project Management: Case Studies and Best Practices from the Trenches is a book of solutions...

Essential ActionScript 2.0
Essential ActionScript 2.0
In Essential ActionScript 2.0, bestselling author Colin Moock covers everything you'll need to know about the new ActionScript language and its methodologies. Experienced Flash developers and programmers coming from other languages will enjoy the sheer depth of Moocks's coverage. Novice programmers will...
Beginning Xcode (Programmer to Programmer)
Beginning Xcode (Programmer to Programmer)
Bringing together the ease of use of Mac OS X, the power of Unix, and a mix of high-performance development technologies, Xcode is Apple's hottest new integrated development environment. This book shows you why Xcode is the fastest and easiest way for developers to create Mac OS X applications.

Covering the basic fundamentals...

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