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Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
It is a real pleasure and honor for us to present you this book titled
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking. Performance evaluation and benchmarking
is at the heart of computer architecture research and development. Without
a deep understanding of benchmarks’ behavior on a microprocessor and
without efficient and
Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit for Software Development Managers
Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit for Software Development Managers
Lean software development: applying agile principles to your organization

In Lean Software Development, Mary and Tom Poppendieck identify seven fundamental "lean" principles, adapt them for the world of software development, and show how they can serve as the foundation for agile development...

Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement, Second Edition
Software Testing and Continuous Quality Improvement, Second Edition
Numerous textbooks address software testing in a structured development
environment. By “structured” is meant a well-defined development cycle in
which discretely defined steps provide measurable outputs at each step. It
is assumed that software testing activities are based on clearly defined
requirements and
Strategic Software Engineering
Strategic Software Engineering
Software is a disruptive technology that has changed how almost every
sector of human society and the economy works. Software is now pervasive;
it is a component of almost every industrial product or at least
essential to the development of such products. Software capabilities lie at
the core of the new national and
Advanced Topics in Electronic Commerce
Advanced Topics in Electronic Commerce
The Advanced Topics in Electronic Commerce Series provides comprehensive coverage and understanding of the social, cultural, organizational, human, and cognitive impacts of the EC technologies and advances on organizations around the world. These impacts include those of EC on consumer behavior as well as on organizational behavior, development,...
Reducing Risk with Software Process Improvement
Reducing Risk with Software Process Improvement
This book describes observations made over a period of ten years in
projects and organizations involved in the field of Information Technology
(IT), focusing on the areas of software development and maintenance. It
highlights the most frequently encountered problems because of poor
processes, the term process being defined as
Defining and Deploying Software Processes
Defining and Deploying Software Processes
I gravitated into the process world several years ago after performing
almost all roles in the software engineering environment — both as a
programmer and in various management positions. That environment
covered both the commercial software development world and the government
contracting software development world. I
Sucessful Packaged Software Implementation
Sucessful Packaged Software Implementation
Whether it is called shrink-wrapped software or given an acronym like
COTS (commercial off the shelf), there is no doubt that the use of packaged
software is an important part of most information technology (IT) departments’
application development strategy. Companies have embraced the
concept of vendor-supplied software,
Reshaping the Future: Education and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Reshaping the Future: Education and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
The aim of Reshaping the Future is to draw international attention to the key role that education can play in both preventing conflict and in reconstructing post-conflict societies. The author also hopes to alert developing countries and donors alike to the devastating consequences of conflict on a country’s education systems and outcomes, as...
How to Cheat at Configuring ISA Server 2004
How to Cheat at Configuring ISA Server 2004
If deploying and managing ISA Server 2004 is just one of a hundred responsibilities you have as a System Administrator, How to Cheat at Configuring ISA Server 2004 is the perfect book for you. This is a concise, accurate, enterprise tested method for the successful deployment of ISA Server. Written by ISA Server guru and Microsoft Most...
Programming Pearls (2nd Edition)
Programming Pearls (2nd Edition)
"The first edition of Programming Pearls was one of the most influential books I read early in my career, and many of the insights I first encountered in that book stayed with me long after I read it. Jon has done a wonderful job of updating the material. I am very impressed at how fresh the new examples seem."
KDE Programming Bible
KDE Programming Bible
(IDG Books) A tutorial packed with examples, lucid explanations, and a complete widget reference, showing how to take full advantage of the K desktop and 2/Qt toolkit for Linux. The CD-ROM contains all of the examples from the text and KDE 2/Qt core files and libraries. System requirements: Intel 486+, 156 MB+ Hard drive space, 16MB+ RAM, CD-ROM...
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