 Expert Resumes For Career ChangersIf you`re reading this book, you`re most likely one of tens of thousands of people who are considering a career change-either a change in position or a change in industry. You might have made this decision because of any one of the following reasons:
- Your current industry has been hard hit by the recent economic
... |  |  Linux Programming UnleashedLinux Programming Unleashed is a complete and comprehensive reference for intermediate to advanced Linux developers that covers every possible use of Linux. Topics include: Core Linux Programming; Interprocess Communication; Device Drivers; Development Tools (make, Emacs, diff and patch, etc.); Programming the User Interface; programming... |  |  Blog Design SolutionsBlogging has moved rapidly from being a craze to become a core feature of the Internet--from individuals sharing their thoughts with the world via online diaries, through fans talking about their favorite sports teams or music, right up to serious business minds discussing industry futures. And that includes you, right? If you haven't... |
 Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility: Concepts and Research MethodsSoil science benefits from the availability of a wide array of practicable methods. There are a number of very useful compendia in which sets of these methods are collected together to provide easy reference for the intending practitioner. The need for yet another handbook might therefore be questioned. This book, however,... |  |  Facts and Fallacies of Software EngineeringThe practice of building software is a “new kid on the block” technology. Though it may not seem this way for those who have been in the field for most of their careers, in the overall scheme of professions, software builders are relative “newbies.”
In the short history of the software field, a lot of facts have... |  |  Literary Texts and the Greek HistorianThis original survey explores the ways in which non-historical texts as well as historical ones can be used to construct Greek historical accounts.
Funding bodies used to be more relaxed, and when I became a graduate student I was admitted to research on ‘Greek literature and/or Roman history’. That capacious definition more... |
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