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Nature Cures: The History of Alternative Medicine in America
Nature Cures: The History of Alternative Medicine in America
Thorough, enjoyable, and rigorous, this study documents the major "unconventional" healing movements of 19th- and 20th-century America. Whorton (history of medicine, Univ. of Washington) traces the origins and influences of Thomsonianism, homeopathy, mesmerism, Christian Science, osteopathy, chiropractic, naturopathy, and acupuncture,...
The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System
The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System

The Origin and Evolution of the Solar System begins by describing historical, i.e. pre-1950, theories and illustrating why they became unacceptable. The main part then critically examines five extant theories, including the current paradigm, the Solar Nebula Theory, to determine how well they fit with accepted scientific principles and...

Multitool Linux: Practical Uses for Open Source Software
Multitool Linux: Practical Uses for Open Source Software

This resource-packed guide delivers pragmatic solutions for real-world Linux development needs—all using open-source software tools. Viewing Linux as a well-stocked toolbox, Multitool Linux shows programmers and sophisticated users how to create a wide variety of exciting and useful applications for business and...

A Physician's Guide to Clinical Forensic Medicine (Forensic Science)
A Physician's Guide to Clinical Forensic Medicine (Forensic Science)
 Clinical Forensic Medicine, a term now commonly used to refer to that branch of medicine involving an interaction among the law, the judiciary, and the police, and usually concerning living persons, is emerging as a speciality in its own right. There have been enormous developments in the subject in the last decade, with an increasing amount...
Game Design: Theory and Practice
Game Design: Theory and Practice
One of the most important but least discussed elements of a computer game is the gameplay that makes a game compelling and entertaining. Game Design: Theory & Practice focuses on this elusive topic and how you can ensure your title has the best gameplay possible. Richard Rouse discusses in detail key game design topics including game balancing,...
Graphics Programming with GDI+
Graphics Programming with GDI+

Graphics Programming with GDI+ explores and exploits a wonderful range of GDI+ programming concepts, techniques, and applications for programmers of beginner to intermediate abilities. Being a prolific contributor to the Internet community of developers, Mahesh Chand is offering what seems to be a natural extension of what he...

Improvisational Design: Continuous, Responsive Digital Communication
Improvisational Design: Continuous, Responsive Digital Communication
"This original and sound book should have a profound effect on design for digital media."
-- Mark D. Gross, Design Machine Group, Department of Architecture, University of Washington

Traditional visual design expresses information in fixed forms, such as print or film, so the message can be stored or
The Career Portfolio Workbook
The Career Portfolio Workbook

Your resume may have gotten you the interview, but a career portfolio will get you the job

Employers are interested in actions, not words. And a career portfolio shows them that you have the skills, talent, knowledge, and personality they want. With The Career Portfolio Workbook learn...

Microsoft Access 2002 Bible BK+CD
Microsoft Access 2002 Bible BK+CD
"The Best book out there … I used this book so much I wore out the binding."—Don Dimon, MCSE, MCP+I, Senior Programmer/Analyst If Access 2002 can do it, you can do it too … Client lists. Sales figures. Product inventories. In today's networked, Internet-everywhere world, you need to get a grip on your data — and...
Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets: A Programmer's Cookbook
Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets: A Programmer's Cookbook
After finishing the manuscript of my first book, Developing LDAP and ADSI Clients for Microsoft Exchange (Schreiber 2000) in October 1999,1 was honestly convinced for some time that I would never write a book again. Well, this phase didn't last long, as the pages you...
Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours
The vast majority of users utilize the Korn Shell or some variant of the Bourne Shell, such as bash. Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours covers these shells. It begins with a generalized tutorial of Unix and tools and then moves into detailed coverage of shell programming. Sams Teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24...
LPIC 1 Certification Bible
LPIC 1 Certification Bible
Every other teenager and tens of thousands of university students have installed Linux and configured it for this job or that. That doesn't mean they're qualified to run Linux servers for a company that relies on them, regardless of what they may claim on their résumés. Your claim to real professional Linux competence will be...
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