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Java Programming on Linux
Java Programming on Linux
Java Programming on Linux is a detailed how-to book on using Java on a Linux operating system. Topics include installing and enabling a Java runtime environment under Linux, Java development in Linux, running Java applications and applets under Linux, using Java with Linux-based Web servers, using Sun Components JCE and JAI in Linux, using Sun...
Linux Web Hosting With Websphere, DB2, and Domino
Linux Web Hosting With Websphere, DB2, and Domino
This redbook is intended to assist Web server administrators utilize IBM software offerings to build and manage a Web server using Linux as the base operating system. It is assumed that the reader has basic Linux administration skills, an understanding of general HTML syntax, and is knowledgeable in Java programming.Therefore, this redbook is not...
Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques
Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques

Dealing with state-of-the-art techniques in rendering and animation, this text provides a unique synthesis of advanced techniques not previously available in one coherent source.

  • contains a wealth of practical implementation detail includes practical algorithms backed up by details of their...
IBM Certification Study Guide AIX Performance and System Tuning
IBM Certification Study Guide AIX Performance and System Tuning
The AIX and RS/6000 certifications, offered through the Professional Certification Program from IBM are designed to validate the skills required of technical professionals who work in the powerful, and often complex, environments of the AIX operating system and RS/6000 and pSeries servers. A complete set of professional certifications are...
Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change
Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change

Software development projects can be fun, productive, and even daring. Yet they can consistently deliver value to a business and remain under control.

Extreme Programming (XP) was conceived and developed to address the specific needs of software development conducted by small teams in the face of vague and changing requirements. This...

Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide
So, you want to write a kernel module. You know C, you've written a number of normal programs to run as processes, and now you want to get to where the real action is, to where a single wild pointer can wipe out your file system and a core dump means a reboot. Welcome to the club. Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide is for people who want to...
Linux from Scratch
Linux from Scratch
Linux From Scratch describes the process of creating your own Linux system from scratch from an already installed Linux distribution, using nothing but the source code of software that you need.

From the author's introduction: "Having used a number of different Linux distributions, I was never fully satisfied with either of those. I didn't...

Real World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers
Real World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers

"You are holding in your hands my favorite book on Web services and .NET. What else can I say? Buy this book now, and be prepared for a new way of coding!"
—Keith Ballinger, Program Manager for XML Web Services, Microsoft

"If you've been searching for a book that goes beyond the...

AIX Reference for Sun Solaris Administrators (IBM Redbooks)
AIX Reference for Sun Solaris Administrators (IBM Redbooks)
In today’s heterogeneous computer environments, especially in UNIX servers
and workstations, it is essential that the system administrator have basic
knowledge of different operating systems. This redbook is written for Sun Solaris
administrators who wants to transfer their knowledge of Solaris UNIX skills to the
Handbook on the Knowledge Economy
Handbook on the Knowledge Economy
This fascinating Handbook defines how knowledge contributes to social and economic life, and vice versa. It considers the five areas critical to acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the knowledge economy: the nature of the knowledge economy; social, cooperative, cultural, creative, ethical and intellectual capital; knowledge and innovation...
MySQL Enterprise Solutions
MySQL Enterprise Solutions
Learn how to build and manage enterprise-level MySQL applications

With more than three million users, MySQL is the most popular open source database server in the world. In addition to running on Linux, Windows, Macintosh, FreeBSD, and several flavors of UNIX, MySQL provides an extremely fast, reliable, and inexpensive alternative to such...

Objective-C Pocket Reference
Objective-C Pocket Reference
Objective-C is an exciting and dynamic approach to C-based object-oriented programming; it's the approach adopted by Apple as the foundation for programming under Mac OS X, a Unix-based operating system gaining wide acceptance among programmers and other technologists. Objective-C is easy to learn and has a simple elegance that is a welcome breath...
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