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E-Business Globalization Solution Design Guide: Getting Started (Ibm Redbooks.)
E-Business Globalization Solution Design Guide: Getting Started (Ibm Redbooks.)
This Redbook presents a globalization architecture, a working example, and an accompanying set of methodologies. It explains from the customer's point of view how to plan and then design a multilingual solution.

The Internet transcends national boundaries and geographical barriers. Many e-business entities have sought help from IBM in...

Patterns: Broker Interactions for Intro and Inter-Enterprise (IBM Redbooks)
Patterns: Broker Interactions for Intro and Inter-Enterprise (IBM Redbooks)
This Redbook concentrates on distributed application integration using the Process-focused Application Integration:Broker application pattern for intra-enterprise, and the Extended Enterprise:Exposed Broker application pattern for inter-enterprise.

The Patterns for e-business are a group of proven, reusable assets that can be used to...

LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell
LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell

Objective certification of professionals is a time-honored tradition in many fields, including medicine and law. As small computer systems and networks proliferated over the last decade, Novell and Microsoft produced extremely popular certification products for their respective operating system and network technologies. These...

VB.NET Language Pocket Reference
VB.NET Language Pocket Reference
Visual Basic .NET is a radically new version of Microsoft Visual Basic, the world's most widely used rapid application development (RAD) package. Whether you are just beginning application development with Visual Basic .NET or are already deep in code, you will appreciate just how easy and valuable the VB.NET Language Pocket Reference is....
Unix Power Tools, Third Edition
Unix Power Tools, Third Edition
With the growing popularity of Linux and the advent of Darwin, Unix has metamorphosed into something new and exciting. No longer perceived as a difficult operating system, more and more users are discovering the advantages of Unix for the first time. But whether you are a newcomer or a Unix power user, you'll find yourself thumbing through the...
Learning Python (Help for Programmers)
Learning Python (Help for Programmers)
This book provides a quick introduction to the Python programming language. Python is a popular object-oriented language used for both standalone programs and scripting applications in a variety of domains. It's free, portable, powerful, and remarkably easy to use. Whether you're new to programming or a professional developer, this...
Systems Programmer's Guide to Z/OS System Logger
Systems Programmer's Guide to Z/OS System Logger

This Redbook provides system programmers with a solid understanding of the System Logger component and guidance about how it should be set up for optimum performance with each of the exploiters.

The z/OS System Logger is a function provided by the operating system to exploiters running on z/OS. The number of exploiters of...

Encyclopedia of Prophecy
Encyclopedia of Prophecy
Worldwide in scope and dating from biblical times, though its thrust is by no means exclusively religious, this encyclopedia ranges widely in its A-to-Z listing of entries. Among them are "apocalypse," "Edgar Cayce," "end of the world," "Napoleon," "premonitions," "sphinx," and...
Mastering Windows XP Home Edition
Mastering Windows XP Home Edition
The Only Windows XP Home Resource You Need
Here's the insider knowledge you need to make the most of Microsoft's powerful new home OS, whether you're upgrading from Windows 98 or Me, or moving straight to XP. Combining a full-color graphical treatment of essential XP skills with detailed discussion of the whys behind Windows configuration,
Deploying Linux on IBM  Pseries Clusters (IBM Redbooks)
Deploying Linux on IBM Pseries Clusters (IBM Redbooks)

For customers interested in Linux who are seeking powerful and reliable servers to support their applications, IBM® eServer pSeries® offers 64-bit POWER systems to match their requirements at lower costs. Unlike other servers supporting solely high performance Linux needs, IBM eServer pSeries provides leadership...

High Availability Scenarios With IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler And IBM Tivoli Framework
High Availability Scenarios With IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler And IBM Tivoli Framework
This Redbook explains how to implement IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler within a high availability environment, as well as how to design and create a Tivoli Framework environment.

In this IBM Redbook, we show you how to design and create highly available IBM Tivoli Workload Scheduler and IBM Tivoli Management Framework (TMR server, Managed...

ARM System-on-Chip Architecture
ARM System-on-Chip Architecture
information appliances - phones, PDAs, laptops and other devices. The ARM is at the heart of this trend, leading the way in system-on-chip (SoC) development and becoming the processor core of choice for many embedded applications.

System-on-chip technology is changing the way we use computers, but it also sets designers the very...

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