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Networking and Online Games: Understanding and Engineering Multiplayer Internet Games
Networking and Online Games: Understanding and Engineering Multiplayer Internet Games
Networking and Online Games concisely draws together and illustrates the overlapping and interacting technical concerns of these sectors. The text explains the principles behind modern multiplayer communication systems and the techniques underlying contemporary networked games. The traffic patterns that modern games impose on networks, and...
Essentials of Error-Control Coding
Essentials of Error-Control Coding
Rapid advances in electronic and optical technology have enabled the implementation of powerful error-control codes, which are now used in almost the entire range of information systems with close to optimal performance. These codes and decoding methods are required for the detection and correction of the errors and erasures which inevitably occur...
Technology Literacy Applications In Learning Environments
Technology Literacy Applications In Learning Environments
Technology Literacy Applications in Learning Environments presents readers with a view of technology literacy in a learning environment. While word processing skills are important, the development of technology skills covers the areas of presentation software, storage, human interaction, and virtual reality. Instructional technology is dedicated to...
PHP Programming with PEAR
PHP Programming with PEAR
PEAR is the PHP Extension and Application Repository, and is a framework and distribution system for reusable, high-quality PHP components, available in the form of "packages". The home of PEAR is pear.php.net, from where you can download and browse this extensive range of powerful packages. For most things that you would want to use in...
Designing and Implementing Linux Firewalls with QoS using netfilter, iproute2, NAT and l7-filter
Designing and Implementing Linux Firewalls with QoS using netfilter, iproute2, NAT and l7-filter
After giving us a background of network security, the book moves on to explain the basic technologies we will work with, namely netfilter, iproute2, NAT and l7-filter. These form the crux of building Linux firewalls and QOS. The later part of the book covers 5 real-world networks for which we design the security policies, build the firewall, setup...
Lotus Domino 6 for Linux
Lotus Domino 6 for Linux
This IBM Redbook describes how to run the IBM Lotus Domino 6 server on the Linux platform. While Lotus Domino 6 is platform-independent, some specific knowledge about the platform and configuration is required to ensure that the Domino 6 server is running most efficiently.

The book provides detailed instructions for installing Linux and
IBM eserver Certification Study Guide: pSeries AIX System Administration
IBM eserver Certification Study Guide: pSeries AIX System Administration
This redbook is designed as a study guide for professionals wishing to prepare for the certification exam to achieve: IBM Certified Specialist - pSeries AIX System Administration. The system administration certification validates a broad scope of AIX administration skills and the ability to perform general AIX software system maintenance.


IBM Certification Study Guide Aix Hacmp
IBM Certification Study Guide Aix Hacmp
The AIX and RS/6000 Certifications offered through the Professional Certification Program from IBM are designed to validate the skills required of technical professionals who work in the powerful and often complex environments of AIX and RS/6000. A complete set of professional certifications is available. It includes:
Linux (Hacking Exposed)
Linux (Hacking Exposed)

From the publisher who brought you the international best-seller, Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions...

Learn how to think like a hacker in order to secure your Linux network

In the ever-changing world of global data communications, inexpensive Internet connections, and fast-paced software...

IBM Certification Study Guide AIX Problem Determination Tools and Techniques
IBM Certification Study Guide AIX Problem Determination Tools and Techniques
The AIX and RS/6000 Certifications, offered through the Professional Certification Program from IBM, are designed to validate the skills required of technical professionals who work in the powerful, and often complex, environments of the AIX operating system and RS/6000 and pSeries servers. A complete set of professional certifications are...
The All-Around Horse and Rider
The All-Around Horse and Rider
Cinch today’s top new riding techniques

In the past twenty-five years, a number of major innovations in horse handling have gained acceptance in the global community. Now Howell presents a one-stop resource for amateur adult riders to help them understand the new approaches and implement them to achieve fast results.

Written by...

IBM Certification Study Guide - Aix 5L Problem Determination Tools and Techniques
IBM Certification Study Guide - Aix 5L Problem Determination Tools and Techniques
The AIX and IBM eserver pSeries Certifications offered through the Professional Certification Program from IBM are designed to validate the skills required of technical professionals who work in the powerful and often complex environments of AIX and IBM eserver pSeries. A complete set of professional certifications is available. It includes:
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