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What About Jack Russell Terriers: The Joys and Realities of Living with a JRT
What About Jack Russell Terriers: The Joys and Realities of Living with a JRT
Why are Jack Russell Terriers so popular?

How much does it cost to keep a JRT?

What kind of behavioral problems do JRTs have?

That little Jack Russell Terrier puppy is so adorable–but is he the right dog for you? Many prospective dog owners don’t ask the questions they should when they’re deciding to...

IBM Certification Study Guide - Aix 5L Performance and System Tuning
IBM Certification Study Guide - Aix 5L Performance and System Tuning
The AIX and IBM eserver pSeries Certifications offered through the Professional Certification Program from IBM are designed to validate the skills required of technical professionals who work in the powerful and often complex environments of AIX and IBM eserver pSeries. A complete set of professional certifications is available. It includes:
How to Cheat at Designing Security for a Windows Server 2003 Network
How to Cheat at Designing Security for a Windows Server 2003 Network
When looking at an organization's security needs, you should begin with any existing security policies or procedures that the organization might already have in place. We started this chapter with an in-depth examination of how to analyze a company's business requirements for network and data security. This included looking at these existing...
Portalizing Domino Applications for Websphere Portal (IBM Redbooks)
Portalizing Domino Applications for Websphere Portal (IBM Redbooks)
This Redbook describes how to integrate existing Domino applications into the IBM WebSphere Portal, shows some key concepts of portals and Domino application integration, and outlines some recognized design patterns for Domino application integration.

This IBM Redbook describes how to integrate existing Domino applications into the IBM...

Ajax for Web Application Developers (Developer's Library)
Ajax for Web Application Developers (Developer's Library)

Reusable components and patterns for Ajax-driven applications

Ajax is one of the latest and greatest ways to improve users' online experience and create new and innovative web functionality. By allowing specific parts of a web page to be displayed without refreshing the entire page, Ajax significantly...

Professional Java, JDK 5 Edition
Professional Java, JDK 5 Edition
Java continues to be the dominant language for building server applications, and the latest update to the Java platform—JDK 5—boasts many new features, including a metadata facility, generics, autoboxing, and improved user interface performance. Building upon Ivor Horton's Beginning Java, this book provides insight into these...
Special Edition Using StarOffice
Special Edition Using StarOffice
Special Edition Using StarOffice provides the information beginning to intermediate users need to created, edit, and publish effective documents using Linux's freeware office suite. Learn the ins and outs of the word processor, the spreadsheet, the presentation software. Also, see how to take advantage of Linux' native networkability for workgroup...
Digital Photography: Expert Techniques
Digital Photography: Expert Techniques

Ready to take digital imaging to the professional level? This advanced strategy book offers expert advice to help you become more competent in your work routine, but it is not your ordinary workflow book. Through step-by-step procedures based on hard-nosed experience, professional photographer Ken Milburn covers much more...

CSS Cookbook, 2nd Edition
CSS Cookbook, 2nd Edition

As the industry standard method for enriching the presentation of HTML-based web pages, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allow you to give web pages more structure and a more sophisticated look. But first, you have to get past CSS theory and resolve real-world problems.

For those all-too-common dilemmas that...

Fedora Linux
Fedora Linux

"Neither a "Starting Linux" book nor a dry reference manual, this book has a lot to offer to those coming to Fedora from other operating systems or distros." -- Behdad Esfahbod, Fedora developer

This book will get you up to speed quickly on Fedora...

ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook
ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook

Well before Ajax and Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation hit the scene, Macromedia offered the first method for building web pages with the responsiveness and functionality of desktop programs with its Flash-based "Rich Internet Applications". Now, new owner Adobe is taking Flash and its powerful...

Essential Windows Workflow Foundation (Microsoft .NET Development Series)
Essential Windows Workflow Foundation (Microsoft .NET Development Series)

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) is a groundbreaking approach to writing and executing programs. WF programs are assembled out of resumable program statements called activities, which provide encapsulation of both domainspecific logic and control flow patterns reflective of real-world...

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