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HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide (6th Edition)
HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide (6th Edition)

Put everthing you need to know about HTML & XHTML at your fingertips. For nearly a decade, hundreds of thousands of web developers have turned to HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide to master standards-based web development. Truly a definitive guide, the book combines a unique balance of...

.NET Mobile Web Developer's Guide
.NET Mobile Web Developer's Guide
The .NET Mobile Web Developer's Guide provides a solid foundation for developing mobile applications using Microsoft technologies. With a focus on using ASP.NET and the .NET Mobile Internet Toolkit, .NET Mobile Web Developer's Guide will give you the insight to use Microsoft technologies for developing mobile applications. This book will also show...
Linux System Administration and Backup Tools for IBM Elogo Server Xseries and Netfinity
Linux System Administration and Backup Tools for IBM Elogo Server Xseries and Netfinity
This redbook gives you an understanding of the unified system administration incorporated in the Caldera OpenLinux, Red Hat Linux, SuSE Linux and TurboLinux operating systems. It also provides information on three Linux backup and recovery applications supported by these operating systems.

This redbook provides an understanding of Linux
Virtualization with Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
Virtualization with Microsoft Virtual Server 2005
A virtual evolution in IT organizations throughout the world has begun. It is estimated that currently 3% of all servers run virtually and that number is expected to grow rapidly over the next 5 years. Server Sprawl and escalating IT costs have managers and system administrators scrambling to find ways to cut costs and reduce Total Cost of...
Linux HPC Cluster Installation
Linux HPC Cluster Installation
Few people who use computers have not heard of Linux®. Linux is at the heart of a revolution that is fundamentally changing many aspects of how software is written and delivered. It remains to be seen where this revolution will ultimately lead. Far less nebulous is the Linux penetration into the scientific calculation arena, or more...
Building a VoIP Network with Nortel's Multimedia Communication Server 5100
Building a VoIP Network with Nortel's Multimedia Communication Server 5100
This is the only book you need if you are tasked with designing, installing, configuring, and troubleshooting a converged network built with Nortel's Multimedia Concentration Server 5100, and Multimedia Communications Portfolio (MCP) products. With this book, you'll be able to design, build, secure, and maintaining a cutting-edge converged network...
Suse Linux Integration Guide for IBM Elogo Server Xseries and Netfinity
Suse Linux Integration Guide for IBM Elogo Server Xseries and Netfinity
This redbook will help you install, tailor and configure the SuSE Linux 7.0 distribution on different servers of the xSeries and Netfinity class. You will be instructed on how to do the basic installation, and installing and configuring different services such as Apache (http-Server), Samba (Fileserver for Windows-based networks), and Postfix (an...
Degunking Microsoft Office
Degunking Microsoft Office
Degunking Microsoft Office covers the basics to help you quickly get your PCs back to top performance. The unique thing about Degunking Microsoft Office is that it's organized according to the special "cleaning" process that will improve the performance of your computer. Shortcut and time calculation charts are provided...
Linux on IBM eserver zSeries and S/390: Best Security Practices
Linux on IBM eserver zSeries and S/390: Best Security Practices
This IBM® Redbook discusses best security practices for running Linux as a z/VM® guest on IBM Eserver® zSeries® and S/390® machines. This publication is intended for system administrators and IT architects responsible for deploying secure Linux servers running under z/VM. We consider both z/VM and Linux security topics.
Linux Applications on Pseries
Linux Applications on Pseries
The strengths of the AIX operating system are well known among in the UNIX software community. Its reliability and great degree of scaling make AIX the perfect choice for hosting mission-critical applications. It is a robust and flexible operating system that meets all the requirements for the various demands of e-business environments. At the same...
IBM e Server Certification Study Guide-AIX 5L Communications
IBM e Server Certification Study Guide-AIX 5L Communications
The AIX and IBM eServer pSeries Certifications, offered through the Professional Certification Program from IBM, are designed to validate the skills required of technical professionals who work in the powerful and often complex environments of AIX and IBM eServer pSeries. A complete set of professional certifications are available. They include:...
Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation
Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation
Principles of Applied Reservoir Simulation and its accompanying CD offer users a fully functioning reservoir simulator. Together, the book and CD provide a hands-on introduction to the process of reservoir modeling and show how to apply reservoir simulation technology and principles.

The book begins with a reservoir engineering primer
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