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Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner
VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner is designed to help readers with no programming experience learn not only the basics of VBA, but also the fundamental programming concepts they need to grasp in order to learn their next programming language. Offering an easy, non-intimidating approach to VBA, the For the Absolute Beginner series was...
Marketing Without Advertising
Marketing Without Advertising
Milton Moskowitz, co-author, 100 Best Companies to Work for in America
There are good ideas here on every page... the nitty-gritty steps you need to—and can—take to generate sales...

Business Life
...straightforward advice on
Mac OS X and the Digital Lifestyle
Mac OS X and the Digital Lifestyle
As a dedicated Mac user, you have experienced the power that applications like iMovie, iDVD, and iTunes can give you over your digital media. Ever wonder what you could do if you combined these tools with QuickTime, iPhoto, and iTools? The result is a complete digital lifestyle that allows you to master your digital domain. Mac OS X and the Digital...
Linux Ethernet Howto
Linux Ethernet Howto
The Linux Ethernet-HOWTO is a compilation of information about which Ethernet devices can be used for Linux, and how to set them up. This HOWTO is focused on the hardware and low-level driver aspect of the Ethernet cards, and does not cover the software end of things like ifconfig and route (this material is covered in the Network HOWTO).
Marketing Your Consulting Services : A Business of Consulting Resource
Marketing Your Consulting Services : A Business of Consulting Resource
"Elaine Biech keeps her promises. Just open Marketing Your Consulting Services to the preface, and you see that she promises practical. Then she immediately delivers— on the very same page! Flip to any page, and the same is true. That's a stunning achievement. And Elaine's advice works. I tried one of her first fourteen...
Managing Risk in Organizations: A Guide for Managers
Managing Risk in Organizations: A Guide for Managers
Managing Risk in Organizations offers a proven framework for handling risks across all types of organizations. In this comprehensive resource, David Frame–a leading expert in risk management–examines the risks routinely encountered in business, offers prescriptions to assess the effects of various risks, and shows how to develop...
Managing Knowledge for Sustained Competitive Advantage: Designing Strategies for Effective Human Resource Management
Managing Knowledge for Sustained Competitive Advantage: Designing Strategies for Effective Human Resource Management
Knowledge management is a topic of steadily increasing interest to today's organizations. To date, however, the field of industrial/organizational psychology has not yet applied its unique knowledge and expertise to the problem of competing through knowledge. This volume addresses the problem by presenting a framework— derived from the...
JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner
JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner
JavaScript is a scripting language developed by Netscape to enable Web authors to design interactive sites. JavaScript can interact with HTML source code, enabling Web authors to spice up their sites with dynamic content. JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner not only teaches you JavaScript, a great programming "gateway"...
ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System Design
ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System Design
An effective ISO 9001:2000 quality management system, driven by a fully compliant quality manual, is key in meeting ISO 9000 quality standards and a must for obtaining ISO certification. Written by an RAB certified quality management systems lead auditor, with forty years of industrial experience – who has a 10-year track record in either the...
Pro Tools LE and M-Powered: The complete guide
Pro Tools LE and M-Powered: The complete guide
"Well illustrated with plenty of screen-grabs, it's a must for Pro Tools users." Lighting & Sound International

Pro Tools LE and M-Powered is an authoritative guide to Digidesign's entry-level hardware and software systems. Illustrated throughout with color screen grabs, the book starts by giving you useful
Hack Proofing Your Web Applications
Hack Proofing Your Web Applications
As a developer, the best possible way to focus on security is to begin to think like a hacker. Examine the methods that hackers use to break into and attack Web sites and use that knowledge to prevent attacks. You already test your code for functionality; one step further is to test it for security—attempt to break into it by finding some...
Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control
Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control
Now in its third edition, Introduction to Robotics by John J. Craig provides readers with real-world practicality with underlying theory presented. With one half of the material from traditional mechanical engineering material, one fourth control theoretical material, and one fourth computer science, the book covers rigid-body...
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