 |  |  Bob Miller's Calc for the Clueless: Calc I (Bob Miller's Clueless Series)Student tested and approved!
If you suffer from math anxiety, then sign up for private tutoring with Bob Miller! Do logarithms, sines, and cosines leave you in a cold sweat? Vectors and derivatives send stress signals to your brain? If so, then you are like the many thousands of studentsstudents of all ages,... |  |  Bob Miller's Calc for the Clueless: Calc IIStudent Tested And Approved! If you suffer from math anxiety, then sign up for private tutoring with Bob Miller! Do logarithms, sines, and cosines leave you in a cold sweat? Vectors and derivatives send stress signals to your brain? If so, them you are like the many thousands of students--students of all ages, all levels--who are anxiously trying... |
 Essential XML Quick Reference: A Programmer's Reference to XML, XPath, XSLT, XML Schema, SOAP, and More"Finally, a complete and thorough reference book covering all of the most important XML technologies, including the latest addition (XML Schema), in one concise and consistent presentation. I will definitely have this book close at hand." —Chris Lovett, Product Unit Manager, B2B Web Services, Microsoft ... |  |  LightWave 3D 7.5 LightingThis book is separated into three main parts: theory, tools, and practice. Theory covers the fundamentals of what light is, how it acts and reacts in our world, and what those reactions look like. Tools covers the virtual lighting equipment available to achieve your LightWave lighting goals. Practice deals with how to use those tools to create the... |  |  Windows 2000 Active DirectoryActive Directory Services dramatically changes the way IT professionals design, plan, configure and administer their Windows NT networks. The primary benefits of Active Directory Services are its extensibility, scalability, and ease of management as compared to prior generations of Windows NT. If you are a... |
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