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SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure & XML Programming (2nd Edition)
SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure & XML Programming (2nd Edition)

Design T-SQL and SQLXML Solutions

Discover the key concepts, techniques, tips, and tricks professional developers need to know in order to take full advantage of stored procedures in the SQL Server environment. SQL Server 2000 Stored Procedure & XML Programming, Second Edition teaches you to manage SQL Server resources using...

PDA Robotics
PDA Robotics

  The virtual chasm between PDAs and robots has been spanned, with McGraw-Hill’s PDA Robotics: Using Your Personal Digital Assistant to Control Your Robot, an easy-to-read guide to integrating these two pieces of technology into a single,
C# Developer's Headstart
C# Developer's Headstart
Learn to quickly build powerful Internet applications with C#--Microsoft's newest innovative programming language--using this up-to-date book.

C# (C Sharp) is a drand new language developed by Microsoft for its new .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is Microsoft`s next development platform beyond Windows DNA for duilding component-based
Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 Programmer's Reference
Cascading Style Sheets 2.0 Programmer's Reference
The most authoritative quick reference available for CSS programmers. This handy resource gives you programming essentials at your fingertips, including all the new tags and features in CSS 2.0. You'll get concise information on designing and deploying complex style sheets as well as details on browser support.

Programmer's guide
SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services in Action
SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services in Action
"A great resource to help you unlock the hidden gems in SQL Server Reporting Services."
Brian Welcker
Group Program Manager
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services

With Microsoft SQL Server 2005 you can structure and store terabytes of data-but how do you make sense of that much information? Reporting Services...

The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens
The Art of What Works: How Success Really Happens

How to Find Effective Solutions for Any Business Problem--By Recognizing and Building On the Successes of Others

"There is nothing new under the sun."

Though coined more than 2,000 years back, this truism has straight-line relevance to today's business world. Because while every business...

Getting Up To Speed: The Future Of Supercomputing
Getting Up To Speed: The Future Of Supercomputing
High-performance computing is important in solving complex problems in areas from climate and biology to national security. Several factors have led to the recent reexamination of the rationale for federal investment in research and development in support of high-performance computing, including continuing changes in the various component...
Algebra Demystified : A Self Teaching Guide
Algebra Demystified : A Self Teaching Guide

Knowing algebra gives you a better choice of jobs, helps you perform better in science, computing, and math courses, ups your score on competitive exams, and improves your ability to do daily computations. And there's no faster or more painless way...

MPLS and Next-Generation Networks: Foundations for NGN and Enterprise Virtualization (Network Business)
MPLS and Next-Generation Networks: Foundations for NGN and Enterprise Virtualization (Network Business)

Understand the business case for deploying MPLS-based services and solutions

  • Provides network managers and architects a precise MPLS primer

  • Defines MPLS service problems and their associated solutions

  • ...
Programming .Net Windows Applications
Programming .Net Windows Applications

With this tutorial, you will explore all aspects of using .NET Windows Forms class libraries and the associated programming tools in Visual Studio .NET, enabling you to build applications for the Windows 9x, Windows 2000 and Windows XP desktop platforms. Step-by-step, you'll learn ways to design applications that either function...

Spring: A Developer's Notebook
Spring: A Developer's Notebook
Since development first began on Spring in 2003, there's been a constant buzz about it in Java development publications and corporate IT departments. The reason is clear: Spring is a lightweight Java framework in a world of complex heavyweight architectures that take forever to implement. Spring is like a breath of fresh air to overworked...
Java Generics and Collections
Java Generics and Collections

This comprehensive guide shows you how to master the most important
changes to Java since it was first released. Generics and the greatly expanded collection libraries have tremendously increased the power of
Java 5 and Java 6. But they have also confused many developers who haven't known how to take advantage of

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