“There are a number of secure programming books on the market, but none that go as deep as this one. The depth and detail exceeds all books that I know about by an order of magnitude.”
This book will help you solve more than 300 of the most common and not-so-common tasks that working Visual Basic 2005 programmers face every day. If you're a seasoned .NET developer, beginning Visual Basic programmer, or a developer seeking a simple and clear migration path from VB6 to Visual Basic 2005, the ...
As web browsers have become more capable and standards compliant, JavaScript has grown in prominence. JavaScript lets designers add sparkle and life to web pages, while more complex JavaScript has led to the rise of Ajax -- the latest rage in web development that allows developers to create powerful and more responsive...
Telecommunications Essentials, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive overview of the rapidly evolving world of telecommunications. Providing an in-depth, one-stop reference for anyone wanting to get up to speed on the $1.2 trillion telecommunications industry,...
the controversy surrounding animal rights is divisive and potentially volatile. It divides society into three unequally sized groups. The first group is comprised of animal activists who believe that all human use of animals should stop immediately. The second group is society in general, which may or...
Regular expressions are an extremely powerful tool for manipulating text and data. They are now standard features in a wide range of languages and popular tools, including Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, VB.NET and C# (and any language using the .NET Framework), PHP, and MySQL.
Create network communications software with a thorough understanding of the essential system-level design and implementation choices and how they affect the performance and maintainability of your embedded system. An examination of the OSI 7-layer model serves as a starting point for a logical partitioning of software functionality in a...
"Deep thinking is rare in this field where most companies are glad to copy designs that were great back in the 1970s. The Humane Interface is a gourmet dish from a master chef. Five mice!" --Jakob Nielsen, Nielsen Norman Group Author of Designing Web Usability: The Practice...
This book is for beginning system administrators, system administrators new to the Solaris™ Operating Environment, or any user who wants a task-oriented quick-reference guide to basic administrative commands.
Solaris System Administrator's Guide, Third Edition is the perfect quick-start tutorial for...
Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++ provides an up-close look at how to build software that can take advantage of multiprocessor computers. Simple approaches for programming parallel virtual machines are presented, and the basics of cluster application development are...
Graphs and Graph algorithms are pervasive in modern computing applications. This book describes the most important known methods for solving the graph-processing problems that arise in practice. Its primary aim is to make these methods and the basic principles behind them accessible to the growing number of people in need of...